Monday, June 30, 2014

6Y5/K4MHW- Jamaica- News- Information

6Y5/K4MHW- Jamaica- News- Information

6Y5/K4MHW- Jamaica- News- Information

Nathan, K4NHW will be active from Jamaica 19-25 July 2014 as 6Y5/K4MHW.

V5/DJ5IW- V5/DJ7JC- V5/DJ9RR- V5/DJ2HD- V5/DJ2LS- V5/DJ8VC- V5/DL9NDS- Namibia

V5/DJ5IW- V5/DJ7JC- V5/DJ9RR- V5/DJ2HD- V5/DJ2LS- V5/DJ8VC- V5/DL9NDS- Namibia

V5/DJ5IW- V5/DJ7JC- V5/DJ9RR- V5/DJ2HD- V5/DJ2LS- V5/DJ8VC- V5/DL9NDS- Namibia

DJ5IW, DJ7JC, DJ9RR, DJ2HD, DJ2LS, DJ8VC, DL9NDS will be active from Namibia 5-15 July 2014 as V5/DJ5IW, V5/DJ7JC, V5/DJ9RR, V5/DJ2HD, V5/DJ2LS, V5/DJ8VC, V5/DL9NDS.

V55HQ- Namibia- News- Information

V55HQ- Namibia- News- Information

V55HQ- Namibia- News- Information

V51W, V51WH, V51GB, V51JP, V51YJ, V51L with German Team will be active from Namibia in IARU HF Championship 12-13 July 2014 as V55HQ.

HI2DX- Saona Island- News- Information

HI2DX- Saona Island- News- Information

HI2DX- Saona Island- News- Information

International Team will be active from Saona Island (IOTA NA-122) , Dominican Republic at the end of 2014 as HI2DX.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

T88HZ- Palau- News- Information

T88HZ- Palau- News- Information

T88HZ- Palau- News- Information

TA1HZ will be active from Palau in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 25-26 October 2014 as T88HZ (not T88TC as announced earlier).

6Y3M- Jamaica- News- Information

6Y3M- Jamaica- News- Information

6Y3M- Jamaica- News- Information

Lali, VE3NE with wife Agnes, ex HG9MAT will be active from Jamaica 11-14 July 2014 as 6Y3M.

KC4AAA- Amundsen Scott South Pole Station- Antarctica- News- Information

KC4AAA- Amundsen Scott South Pole Station- Antarctica- News- Information

KC4AAA- Amundsen Scott South Pole Station- Antarctica- News- Information

W5FJG will be active from Amundsen Scott South Pole Station Antarctica until November 2014 as KC4AAA.

YS1/NP3J- El Salvador- News- Information

YS1/NP3J- El Salvador- News- Information

YS1/NP3J- El Salvador- News- Information

JA6WFM is currently active El Salvador as YS1/NP3J.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

TT8ES- Chad- News- Information

TT8ES- Chad- News- Information

TT8ES- Chad- News- Information

Elvira ,IV3FSG currently active from Chad as TT8ES.

T6EU- Afghanistan- Europol- News- Information

T6EU- Afghanistan- Europol- News- Information

T6EU- Afghanistan- Europol- News- Information

AK4JK is currently active from Afghanistan as T6EU.

TA4/TF3ML- Turkey- News- Information

TA4/TF3ML- Turkey- News- Information

TA4/TF3ML- Turkey- News- Information

TF3ML is currently active from Turkey as TA4/TF3ML.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

4W6LU- Timor Leste- News- Information

4W6LU- Timor Leste- News- Information

4W6LU- Timor Leste- News- Information

Sei, JA7LU will be active from Timor Leste until 30 June 2014 as 4W6LU.

5R8M- Nosy Be Island- Madagascar- News- Information

5R8M- Nosy Be Island- Madagascar- News- Information

5R8M- Nosy Be Island- Madagascar- News- Information

International Team will be active from Nosy Be Island, Madagascar 20 October - 4 November 2014 as 5R8M.

SV9/ON6DSL/P- Crete Island- News- Information

SV9/ON6DSL/P- Crete Island- News- Information

SV9/ON6DSL/P- Crete Island- News- Information

Luc, ON6DSL will be active from Crete Island (IOTA EU-015) during August 2014 as SV9/ON6DSL/P.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

CN2GW- Morocco- News- Information

CN2GW- Morocco- News- Information

CN2GW- Morocco- News- Information

Patrick, F1GXW is currently active from Morocco as CN2GW.

S79VR- Seychelles Islands- News- Information

S79VR- Seychelles Islands- News- Information

S79VR- Seychelles Islands- News- Information

DE3BWR and DD0VR will be active from Mahe, Praslin, La Digue Seychelles Islands 3-30 November 2014 as S79VR.

VK6ISL- Sandy Islet- Australia- News- Information

VK6ISL- Sandy Islet- Australia- News- Information

VK6ISL- Sandy Islet- Australia- News- Information

Cesar, VE3LYC , Craig, VK5CE, Johan, PA3EXX, Bob, KD1CT will be active from Sandy Islet (IOTA OC-294) 14-21 September 2014 as VK6ISL.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

OD5/YL2AB- Lebanon- News- Information

OD5/YL2AB- Lebanon- News- Information

OD5/YL2AB- Lebanon- News- Information

YL2AB will be active from Lebanon until 7 July 2014 as OD5/YL2AB.

6V1W- Senegal- News- Information

6V1W- Senegal- News- Information

6V1W- Senegal- News- Information

DO3MY will be active from Senegal July- September 2014 as 6V1W.

ZF2GO- ZF2ZH- ZF2NA- Grand Cayman Island- Cayman Islands- News- Information

ZF2GO- ZF2ZH- ZF2NA- Grand Cayman Island- Cayman Islands- News- Information

ZF2GO- ZF2ZH- ZF2NA- Grand Cayman Island- Cayman Islands- News- Information

ZF2GO- ZF2ZH- ZF2NA- Grand Cayman Island- Cayman Islands- News- Information

ZF2GO- ZF2ZH- ZF2NA- Grand Cayman Island- Cayman Islands- News- Information

YL Gayle, K6GO, Mike, NA6MB, Jim, K6ZH will be active from Grand Cayman Island, Cayman Islands 9-13 July 2014 as ZF2GO, ZF2ZH, ZF2NA.

T88ZD- Koror Island- Palau- News- Information

T88ZD- Koror Island- Palau- News- Information

T88ZD- Koror Island- Palau- News- Information

T88ZD- Koror Island- Palau- News- Information

T88ZD- Koror Island- Palau- News- Information

Nobuaki, JH1JQU will be active from Koror Island, (IOTA OC-009), 5-8 September 2014 as T88ZD.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

VK9X/N7QT- Christmas Island- News- Information

VK9X/N7QT- Christmas Island- News- Information

VK9X/N7QT- Christmas Island- News- Information

Rob, N7QT will be active from Christmas Island 18 September - 2 October 2014 as VK9X/N7QT.

TX5D- Raivavae Island- Austral Islands- News- Information

TX5D- Raivavae Island- Austral Islands- News- Information

TX5D- Raivavae Island- Austral Islands- News- Information

N7QT will be active from Raivavae Island (IOTA OC-114) , Austral Islands 3-13 October 2014 as TX5D.

T88MZ- Palau- News- Information

T88MZ- Palau- News- Information

T88MZ- Palau- News- Information

T88MZ- Palau- News- Information

T88MZ- Palau- News- Information

Akira, JH0CKF will be active from Palau 18-20 June 2014 as T88MZ.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

3A/YO2MSB- Monaco- News- Informaton

3A/YO2MSB- Monaco- News- Informaton

3A/YO2MSB- Monaco- News- Informaton

YO2MSB will be active from Monaco 5-12 September 2014 as 3A/YO2MSB.

JW/UA3IPL- Spitsbergen Archipelago- News- Information

JW/UA3IPL- Spitsbergen Archipelago- News- Information

JW/UA3IPL- Spitsbergen Archipelago- News- Information

Alexander, UA3IPL will be active from Spitsbergen archipelago 26 June- 28 August 2014 as JW/UA3IPL.

K9GY/VP9- Bermuda- VP9/K9GY- News- Information

K9GY/VP9- Bermuda- VP9/K9GY- News- Information

K9GY/VP9- Bermuda- VP9/K9GY- News- Information

K9GY will be active from Bermuda 6-11 August 2014 as K9GY/VP9.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

FS/W7NZJ- Saint Martin Island- News- Information

FS/W7NZJ- Saint Martin Island- News- Information

FS/W7NZJ- Saint Martin Island- News- Information

Paul, W7NZJ will be active from Saint Martin Island 29 June- 6 July 2014 as FS/W7NZJ.

4W-NB3MM- East Timor- Timor Leste- News- Information

4W-NB3MM- East Timor- Timor Leste- News- Information

4W-NB3MM- East Timor- Timor Leste- News- Information

Adhi, YB3MM will be active from East Timor 31 July - 5 August 2014 as 4W/NB3MM.

HB0/RC5A- Liecthenstein- News- Information

HB0/RC5A- Liecthenstein- News- Information

HB0/RC5A- Liecthenstein- News- Information

YL Elena RC5A is currently active from Liechtenstein as HB0/RC5A.

DX Traveller - SP7VC

DX Traveller - SP7VC

DX Traveller - SP7VC

Przemek, SP7VC is in his late 40s and active on the air for almost half of his life. However, his first contact with Amateur Radio was at the age of 12. His neighbour was an active radio amateur but he did not succeed in planting the seed of radio interest.

HK0/HK3JJH- San Andres Island- News- Information

HK0/HK3JJH- San Andres Island- News- Information

HK0/HK3JJH- San Andres Island- News- Information

Pedro, HK3JJH is currently active from San Andres Island (IOTA NA-033) as HK0/HK3JJH.

Friday, June 13, 2014

CE3/N5NU- CE5/N5NU- Chile

CE3/N5NU- CE5/N5NU- Chile

CE3/N5NU- CE5/N5NU- Chile

N5NU will be active from Chile until August 2014 as CE3/N5NU and CE5/N5NU.

XW3DT- Laos- News- Information

XW3DT- Laos- News- Information

XW3DT - Laos - RDXC 2012

XW3DT - Laos - RDXC 2012

XW3DT- Laos- News- Information

RK3DT is currently active from Laos as XW3DT.

PJ4/AA2WN- Bonaire Island- News- Information

PJ4/AA2WN- Bonaire Island- News- Information

PJ4/AA2WN- Bonaire Island- News- Information

Harry, AA2WN will be active from the island of Bonaire 22-27 June 2014 as PJ4/AA2WN.

A35RT- Island of Eua- Tonga

A35RT- Island of Eua- Tonga

A35RT- Island of Eua- Tonga

A35RT- Island of Eua- Tonga

A35RT- Island of Eua- Tonga

A35RT- Island of Eua- Tonga

A35RT- Island of Eua- Tonga

VK3GK will be active from Island of Eua , (IOTA OC-049) Tonga 3-14 October 2014 as A35RT.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

EJ1Y- EJ0PL- Great Blasket Island- Blasket Islands- News- Information

EJ1Y- EJ0PL- Great Blasket Island- Blasket Islands- News- Information

EJ1Y- EJ0PL- Great Blasket Island- Blasket Islands- News- Information

Members of the Papa Lima DX Group, plus guest operators, will be active from Great Blasket Island (IOTA EU-007), Blasket Islands 26-31 July 2014 as EJ0PL.

V29SH- Antigua Island- News- Information

V29SH- Antigua Island- News- Information

V29SH- Antigua Island- News- Information

VE6SH will be active from Antigua Island ( IOTA NA-100) 26 July - 8 August 2014 as V29SH.

J68HZ- Saint Lucia Island- News- Information

J68HZ- Saint Lucia Island- News- Information

J68HZ- Saint Lucia Island- News- Information

K9HZ will be active again from Saint Lucia Island (IOTA NA-108) 15-29 June 2014 as J68HZ.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

OH1VR/VP9- Bermuda- VP9/OH1VR- News- Information

OH1VR/VP9- Bermuda- VP9/OH1VR- News- Information

OH1VR/VP9- Bermuda- VP9/OH1VR- News- Information

OH1VR will be active from Bermuda Islands 10-13 July 2014 as OH1VR/VP9.

TF/G3ZAY- TF/M0HSW- Heimaey Island- Westman Islands- News- Information

TF/G3ZAY- TF/M0HSW- Heimaey Island- Westman Islands- News- Information

TF/G3ZAY- TF/M0HSW- Heimaey Island- Westman Islands- News- Information

G3ZAY and M0HSW will be active from Heimaey Island, Westman Islands (IOTA EU-071) 14 June 2014 as TF/G3ZAY and TF/M0HSW.

TK/F1MDT- Corsica- News- Information

TK/F1MDT- Corsica- News- Information

TK/F1MDT- Corsica- News- Information

TK/F1MDT- Corsica- News- Information

TK/F1MDT- Corsica- News- Information

F1MDT will be active from Corsica 1-13 July 2014 as TK/F1MDT.

Monday, June 9, 2014

T88TC- Palau- News- Information

T88TC- Palau- News- Information

T88TC- Palau- News- Information

TA1HZ will be active from Palau in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 25-26 October 2014 as T88TC (call is not confirmed yet).

TO5A- Martinique Island- News- Information- CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2014

TO5A- Martinique Island- News- Information- CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2014

TO5A- Martinique Island- News- Information- CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2014

F5VHJ will be active from Martinique Island in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 25-26 October 2014 as TO5A.

4W/K7CO- East Timor- Timor Leste- News- Information

4W/K7CO- East Timor- Timor Leste- News- Information

4W/K7CO- East Timor- Timor Leste- News- Information

K7CO and K7CXN will be active from East Timor (Timor Leste) 19-31 October 2014 as 4W/K7CO.

PJ7/WA6WXD- St. Martin Island

PJ7/WA6WXD- St. Martin Island

PJ7/WA6WXD- St. Martin Island

Andrew,WA6WXD will be active from St.Martin Island 21-28 June 2014 as PJ7/WA6WXD

4W/HB9FLX- Timor Leste- News- Information

4W/HB9FLX- Timor Leste- News- Information

4W/HB9FLX- Timor Leste- News- Information

HB9FLX will be active from Timor Leste 10-14 June 2014 as 4W/HB9FLX.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

RI1O- Morzhovets Island- News- Information

RI1O- Morzhovets Island- News- Information

RI1O- Morzhovets Island- News- Information

R1NU, R3BY, RU5D, UA6MF will be active from Morzhovets Island (IOTA EU-119) 22-30 June 2014 as RI1O.

IA/IZ3SUS- Concordia Research Station- Antarctica- News- Information

IA/IZ3SUS- Concordia Research Station- Antarctica- News- Information

IA/IZ3SUS- Concordia Research Station- Antarctica- News- Information

IZ3SUS will be active from Concordia Research Station , Antarctica until November 2014 as IA/IZ3SUS.

TY1AA - Benin - News - Information

TY1AA - Benin - News - Information

TY1AA - Benin - News - Information

I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIO, IK2HKT, I1HJT, JA3USA, IK2RZP will be active from Benin as TY1AA

Thursday, June 5, 2014

CT9/DL2JRM - Madeira - News - Information

CT9/DL2JRM - Madeira - News - Information

CT9/DL2JRM - Madeira - News - Information

DL2JRM will be active from Madeira 12-19 June 2014 as CT9/DL2JRM

EX/HB9DUR - Kyrgyzstan - News - Information

HB9DUR will be active from Kyrgyzstan 7-8 June 2014 as EX/HB9DUR

TX5B - TX5C - TX5E - Chesterfield Islands - D’Entrecasteaux Reefs - Belep Islands - News - Information

TX5B - TX5C - TX5E - Chesterfield Islands - D’Entrecasteaux Reefs - Belep Islands - News - Information

TX5B - TX5C - TX5E - Chesterfield Islands - D’Entrecasteaux Reefs - Belep Islands - News - Information

FK8IK will be active from Chesterfield Islands (IOTA OC-176) 5-9 November 2014 as TX5C , D’Entrecasteaux Reefs (IOTA OC-058) 14-17 November 2014 as TX5E , Belep Islands (IOTA OC-079) 21-24 November 2014 as TX5B

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

E51QBV - South Cook Islands -News - Information

E51QBV - South Cook Islands -News - Information

E51QBV - South Cook Islands -News - Information

K2QBV will be active from South Cook Islands 8-21 July 2014 as E51QBV

VP5/G3SWH - Grand Turk Island - News - Information

VP5/G3SWH - Grand Turk Island - News - Information

VP5/G3SWH - Grand Turk Island - News - Information

DK7LX and G3SWH will be active from Grand Turk Island (IOTA NA-003) 1-9 October 2014 as VP5/G3SWH

9N7CJ - Nepal - News - Information

9N7CJ - Nepal - News - Information

9N7CJ - Nepal - News - Information

F3CJ will be active from Nepal 24 September - 4 November 2014 as 9N7CJ ( call is not confirmed yet)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

VK3ATX/P - Gabo Island - Australia

VK3ATX/P - Gabo Island - Australia

VK3ATX/P - Gabo Island - Australia

Trevor,  VK3ATX will be active from Gabo Island (IOTA OC-196) 16-17 August 2014 as VK3ATX/P

VK3VTH/7 - King Island

VK3VTH/7 - King Island

VK3VTH/7 - King Island

Tony, VK3VTH will be active from King Island (IOTA OC-233) 14-17 August 2014 as VK3VTH/7

FS/W6IZT - Saint Martin Island -2014

FS/W6IZT - Saint Martin Island -2014

FS/W6IZT - Saint Martin Island -2014

W6IZT is currently active from Saint Martin Island as FS/W6IZT

AH0CI - Saipan Island

AH0CI - Saipan Island

AH0CI - Saipan Island

JA3IUY, will be active from Saipan Island , Northern Mariana Islands (IOTA OC-086) 21-22 June 2014 as AH0CI.

3V8/IK0GDP/P - Djerba Island

3V8/IK0GDP/P - Djerba Island

3V8/IK0GDP/P - Djerba Island

IK0GDG will be active from Djerba Island (IOTA AF-083) until 8 June 2014 as 3V8/IK0GDG/P