Thursday, December 31, 2015

VP8STI - VP8SGI - Announce - December 2015

We are pleased to report that the R/V Braveheart has arrived in Stanley, the Falkland Islands and is making preparations for the arrival of the VP8STI/VP8SGI team.

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - New project

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - New project

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - New project

After a very intensive period, Dom 3Z9DX returned home from Pyongyang shortly before Christmas. All relevant authorities were welcoming and friendly during his stay.

TY1AI - Benin - News - Information

TY1AI - Benin - News - Information

TY1AI - Benin - News - Information

Pierre, ON4CIP will be active from Benin 1 - 5 January 2016 as TY1AI.

V63DX - V6A - Pohnpei Island - News - Information

Sho, JA7HMZ will be active again from Pohnpei Island (IOTA OC-010) 19 - 24 February 2016 as V63DX.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

JD1BMH - Chichi Jima Island - Ogasawara Islands - News - Information

Hiroyuki, JG7PSJ will be active again from Chichi Jima Island (IOTA AS-031), Ogasawara Islands (Bonin Islands ) 30 December 2015 - 9 January 2016 as JD1BMH.

Z21LS - Zimbabwe - News - Information

Herbert, 7Z1HB will be active again from Zimbabwe until 7 January 2016 as Z21LS.

V5/DC8QT - V5/DD8ZX - V5/DJ9KM - Namibia - News - Information

DC8QT , DD8ZX , DJ9KM will be active again from Namibia 9 - 18 February 2016 as V5/DC8QT, V5/DD8ZX, V5/DJ9KM.

V63GG - Kosrae Island - Federated States of Micronesia - News - Information

Kouchi Isomura, JR2GAG will be active from Kosrae Island (IOTA OC - 059) 1 - 8 January 2016 as V63GG.

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - News - Information

Dom 3Z9DX is inform that he is planning to be active from North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) January - February 2016 as P5/3Z9DX.

Monday, December 21, 2015

5Z4/M0LEP - Kenya - News - Information

5Z4/M0LEP - Kenya - News - Information

5Z4/M0LEP - Kenya - News - Information

Rick, M0LEP will be active from Kenya until 10 January 2016 as 5Z4/M0LEP.

EX/HB9DUR - Kyrgyzstan - News - Information

Andrea, HB9DUR will be active from Kyrgyzstan 22 December 2015 - 8 January 2016 as EX/HB9DUR.

H44GC - H40GC - Solomon Islands - Temotu Province - News - Information

H44GC - H40GC - Solomon Islands - Temotu Province - News - Information

H44GC - H40GC - Solomon Islands - Temotu Province - News - Information

Stan, LZ1GC will be active from Solomon Islands as H44GC and Temotu Province as H40GC 25 September - 25 October 2016.

News from the Intrepid DX Group - VP8STI - VP8SGI Team - 21 December 2015

In just two short weeks, members of the VP8STI/VP8SGI team will be meeting the Braveheart in Stanley, the Falkland Islands.

News from the Intrepid DX Group - VP8STI - VP8SGI Team - 21 December 2015

In just two short weeks, members of the VP8STI/VP8SGI team will be meeting the Braveheart in Stanley, the Falkland Islands.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - News - Information

Dom 3Z9DX is inform that he is planning to be active from North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) January - February 2016 as P5/3Z9DX.

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - News - Information

Dom 3Z9DX is inform that he is planning to be active from North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) January - February 2016 as P5/3Z9DX.

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - News - Information

Dom 3Z9DX is inform that he is planning to be active from North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) January - February 2016 as P5/3Z9DX.

VK5MAV/6 - VK5CE/6 - Breaksea Island - News - Information

Andrey, VK5MAV and Craig, VK5CE will be active from Breaksea Island (IOTA OC-243) in March 2016 as VK5MAV/6 and VK5CE/6.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - News - Information

Dom 3Z9DX is inform that he is planning to be active from North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) January - February 2016 as P5/3Z9DX.

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - News - Information

Dom 3Z9DX is inform that he is planning to be active from North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) January - February 2016 as P5/3Z9DX.

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - News - Information

Dom 3Z9DX is inform that he is planning to be active from North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) January - February 2016 as P5/3Z9DX.

VU3WDN - India

VU3WDN - India

VU3WDN - India

EA4ATI is now in India for next two years and will be active as VU3WDN.

DS2GOO/2 - Taeijak Island - Tokchok Islands - News - Information

DS2GOO/2 - Taeijak Island - Tokchok Islands - News - Information

DS2GOO/2 - Taeijak Island - Tokchok Islands - News - Information

Han, DS2GOO will be active from Taeijak Island (IOTA AS-090), Tokchok Islands 26 - 28 December 2015 as DS2GOO/2.

Friday, December 18, 2015

FT4JA - Juan de Nova Island - News - Information

F5UFX, F5CWU, FM5CD, F4BKV, F4FET, F6BEE, F1NGP, F2DX, F5PTM will be active from Juan de Nova Island (IOTA AF-012) 29 March - 11 April 2016 as FT4JA.

3C7GIA - Bioko Island - Fernando Po Island - News - Information

Kenneth Opskar, LA7GIA will be active from Bioko (Fernando Po) Island (IOTA AF-010) 4 - 13 March 2016 as 3C7GIA.

E51TLA - Rarotonga Island - 2015/2016 - News - Information

Henrik, OZ6TL will be active again Rarotonga Island (IOTA OC-013), South Cook Islands 19 December 2015 - 9 January 2016 as E51TLA.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

VK5MAV/6 - Breaksea Island - News - Information

VK5MAV/6 - Breaksea Island - News - Information

VK5MAV/6 - Breaksea Island - News - Information

Andrey, VK5MAV will be active from Breaksea Island (IOTA OC-243) in March 2016 as VK5MAV/6.

J79WTA - Dominica Island - News - Information

Walter, HB9MFM will be active again from Dominica Island until 30 January 2016 as J79WTA.

PJ6A - Saba Island - News - Information

K4UEE, K5AC, G3SXW, GM3YTS, NM1Y, W6IZT, will be active from Saba Island 17 - 22 February 2016 as PJ6/K4UEE, PJ6/K5AC, PJ6/G3SXW, PJ6/NM1Y, PJ6/W6IZT.

3W2BR - Con Son Island - Con Dao Archipelago - News - Information

3W2BR - Con Son Island - Con Dao Archipelago - News - Information

3W2BR - Con Son Island - Con Dao Archipelago - News - Information

Herbert, DK2BR will be active from Con Son Island, Con Dao Archipelago, (IOTA AS-130) 5 - 21 March 2016 as 3W2BR.

TX3X - Chesterfield Islands - DX Pedition - News - Information

Alan AD6E, David N6HD, Arnold N6HC, Walt N6XG, Pista HA5AO, Gene K5GS, Ross K6GFJ, John K6MM, Kevin K6TD, Stu K6TU, Tom ND2T, Steve W1SRD, Les W2LK, Mike WA6O will be active from Chesterfield Islands 1 - 12 October 2015 as TX3X.

XW4ZW - Laos - News - Information

Ken, K4ZW will be active again from Laos until 15 - 24 January 2016 as XW4ZW.

9M2SI - Indah Island - News - Information

9M2SI - Indah Island - News - Information

9M2SI - Indah Island - News - Information

9M2PRO, 9M2EDU, 9M2AUR, 9M2RHQ, 9M2FDO, 9M2FZK, 9M2AGC, 9M2AIM, 9W2YND, 9W2HSY, 9W2FEJ, 9W2NDQ, 9W2BMW and 9W2NMX will be active from Indah Island (IOTA AS-074) 25 - 27 December 2015 as 9M2SI.

DX0P - Pagasa Island - Spratly Islands - News - Information

DU1BP, WA6LOS , WE6DX , WJ1P , WW6CP, DU1JM, DU2BOQ, DU3KWM, DU7RJA will be active from Pagasa Island (IOTA AS-051) , Spratly Islands 14 - 20 April 2015 as DX0P.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

5W0XG - Samoa - News - Information

5W0XG - Samoa - News - Information

5W0XG - Samoa - News - Information

Haru, JA1XGI will be active from Samoa 12 - 20 April 2016 as 5W0XG.

RI1FJ - Heiss Island - Franz Josef Land - News - Information

Eugene Chepur, UA4RX will be active from Heiss Island (IOTA EU-019) August 2015 - August 2016 as RI1FJ.

V31YN - V31GW - Belize - News - Information

Gerd, DJ4KW with XYL Gisela, DK9GG will be active again from Belize 9 January - 21 February 2016 as V31YN and V31GW.

V26IS - Antigua and Barbuda Islands - News - Information

Ismo, OH2IS will be active from Antigua and Barbuda Islands in 22 February - 3 March 2016 as V26IS.

HP3/WJ2O - Panama - News - Information

HP3/WJ2O - Panama - News - Information

HP3/WJ2O - Panama - News - Information

Dave, WJ2O will be active from Panama 7 - 12 January 2016 as HP3/WJ2O.

PZ5LP - Suriname - News - Information

Peter, PA1LP will be active again from Suriname until 5 March 2016 as PZ5LP.

TX3X Chesterfield Islands - Article

The idea to activate Chesterfield surfaced after the VK9MT project. Pista HA5AO, Les W2LK, Gene K5GS met at Friedrichshafen (Germany) to discuss several alternatives.

V25LK - Antigua Island - News - Information

V25LK - Antigua Island - News - Information

V25LK - Antigua Island - News - Information

Laci, OM3AG will be active from Antigua Island 23 December 2015 - 10 January 2016 as V25LK.

VP2MGT - Montserrat Island - News - Information

VP2MGT - Montserrat Island - News - Information

VP2MGT - Montserrat Island - News - Information

Rob, N6GT will be active from Montserrat Island (IOTA NA-103) 23 - 26 December 2015 as VP2MGT.

Monday, December 14, 2015

C6ABB - New Providence Island - News - Information

C6ABB - New Providence Island - News - Information

C6ABB - New Providence Island - News - Information

Drew, N2RFA will be active again from New Providence Island, Bahamas 8 - 18 February 2016 as C6ABB.

V26GT - Barbuda Island - News - Information

V26GT - Barbuda Island - News - Information

V26GT - Barbuda Island - News - Information

Rob, N6GT will be active from Barbuda Island (IOTA NA-100) 17 - 20 December 2015 as V26GT.

TO6D - FG/F6ITD - Guadeloupe Island - Basse Terre Island - La Desirade Island

Jean Pierre, F6ITD will be active again from Guadeloupe Island 20 January - 8 March 2016 as FG/F6ITD.

P4/PA7DA - Aruba Island - News - Information

Jaap, PA7DA will be active from Aruba Island (IOTA SA-036) 12 - 24 March 2016 as P4/PA7DA.

A25LC - Botswana - News - Information

A25LC - Botswana - News - Information

A25LC - Botswana - News - Information

Christopher, ZS1CFL is currently active from Botswana as A25LC.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

TX3X - Chesterfield Islands - DX Pedition - News - Information

Alan AD6E, David N6HD, Arnold N6HC, Walt N6XG, Pista HA5AO, Gene K5GS, Ross K6GFJ, John K6MM, Kevin K6TD, Stu K6TU, Tom ND2T, Steve W1SRD, Les W2LK, Mike WA6O will be active from Chesterfield Islands 1 - 12 October 2015 as TX3X.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

ZL9A - Antipodes Islands - News - Information

Cezar VE3LYC, Craig VK5CE, Stan SQ8X, Bob KD1CT will be active from Antipodes Islands (IOTA OC-286) 7 - 11 January 2016 as ZL9A.

T88AB - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88AB - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88AB - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

Kazuo, JR1UBR will be active from Koror Island (IOTA OC-009) 9 - 15 December 2015 as T88AB.

ZF2EA - Grand Cayman Island - News - Information

ZF2EA - Grand Cayman Island - News - Information

ZF2EA - Grand Cayman Island - News - Information

Gil, N2GG will be active from Grand Cayman Island (IOTA NA-016) until 19 December 2015 as ZF2EA.

H44TM - H44MK - Guadalcanal Island - Solomon Islands - News - Information

H44TM - H44MK - Guadalcanal Island - Solomon Islands - News - Information

H44TM - H44MK - Guadalcanal Island - Solomon Islands - News - Information

Tom, WL7HP with XYL Margret, H44MK will be active from Guadalcanal Island, Solomon Islands (IOTA OC-047) until 16 February 2016 as H44TM and H44MK.

VK6/G0KIK/P - Rottnest Island - News - Information

VK6/G0KIK/P - Rottnest Island - News - Information

VK6/G0KIK/P - Rottnest Island - News - Information

Steve, G0KIK will be active from Rottnest Island (IOTA OC-164) 9 - 10 December 2015 as VK6/G0KIK/P.


Now let's get down to the ground and see how the power splitting and phase delays can be done in practice. Three antennas are still under consideration.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Saturday, December 5, 2015


It is a common practice these days using vertically stacked directional antennas, in particular yagi - udo type. The effect of vertical stacking was very well described by James Lawson W2PV in his historical \"Yagi antenna design\" book.

EA8/HB9FIH - El Hierro Island - Canary Islands - News - Information

EA8/HB9FIH - El Hierro Island - Canary Islands - News - Information

EA8/HB9FIH - El Hierro Island - Canary Islands - News - Information

Erich, HB9FIH will be active from El Hierro Island, Canary Islands (IOTA AF-004) 15 December 2015 - 10 March 2016 as EA8/HB9FIH.

5W0UO - Samoa - News - Information

5W0UO - Samoa - News - Information

5W0UO - Samoa - News - Information

Dave, G4BUO will be active from Samoa during January 2016 as 5W0UO.

E51WET - Aitutaki Island - Rarotonga Island - News - Information

E51WET - Aitutaki Island - Rarotonga Island - News - Information

Friday, December 4, 2015

E51WET - Aitutaki Island - Rarotonga Island - News - Information

Magnus, SM6WET will be active from Aitutaki Island and Rarotonga Island (IOTA OC-083) 14 December 2015 - 8 January 2016 as E51WET.

TZ9A - Mali - News - Information

TZ9A - Mali - News - Information

TZ9A - Mali - News - Information

Chris, F4WBN and Rene, F5DUX will be active from Mali 7 - 19 December 2015 as TZ9A.

3B8/M0RCX - Mauritius Island - News - Information

M0RCX will be active again from Mauritius Island 15 June - 14 July 2016 3B8/M0RCX.

4S7JTO - 4S7NTS - Sri Lanka - Berberyn Island - News - Information

4S7JTO - 4S7NTS - Sri Lanka - Berberyn Island - News - Information

4S7JTO - 4S7NTS - Sri Lanka - Berberyn Island - News - Information

Josep, EA3BT and Nuria, EA3WL will be active from Sri Lanka 3 - 8 January 2016 as 4S7JTO and 4S7NTS.

ZF2LL - Grand Cayman Island - Cayman Islands

Fred, WW4LL will be active from Grand Cayman Island (IOTA NA-016) 31 October 2015 - 5 January 2016 as ZF2LL.

8T5GSM - Sagar Island - News - Information

8T5GSM - Sagar Island - News - Information

8T5GSM - Sagar Island - News - Information

Radio Amateurs members of the West Bengal Radio Club will be active from Sagar Island (IOTA AS-153) 9 - 16 January 2016 as 8T5GSM.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

V47KA - Saint Kitts Island - News - Information - Calypso Bay

V47KA - Saint Kitts Island - News - Information - Calypso Bay

V47KA - Saint Kitts Island - News - Information - Calypso Bay

David, K1KA will be active from Saint Kitts Island (IOTA NA-104) during February 2016 as V47KA.

PJ6/G3TXF - Saba Island - News - Information

PJ6/G3TXF - Saba Island - News - Information

PJ6/G3TXF - Saba Island - News - Information

Nigel, G3TXF will be active from Saba Island (IOTA NA-145) 9 - 13 December 2015 as PJ6/G3TXF.

CE0Y/W7YAQ - Easter Island - News - Information

CE0Y/W7YAQ - Easter Island - News - Information

CE0Y/W7YAQ - Easter Island - News - Information

Bob, W7YAQ will be active from Easter Island (IOTA SA-001) 10 - 14 February 2016 as CE0Y/W7YAQ.

FO/W7YAQ - Moorea Island - DX News - Ham Radio - Amateur Radio

FO/W7YAQ - Moorea Island - DX News - Ham Radio - Amateur Radio

FO/W7YAQ - Moorea Island - DX News - Ham Radio - Amateur Radio

Bob, W7YAQ will be active from Moorea Island (IOTA OC-046), French Polynesia 6 - 7 February 2016 as FO/W7YAQ.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

C5WP - Buntu - Gambia - 2016 - News - Information

Pedro, ON7WP will be active again from Gambia December 2015 - 9 January 2016 as C5WP.

CY0/VA1AXC - Sable Island - News - Information

Aaron, VA1AXC will be active again from Sable Island (IOTA NA-063) until end of January 2016 as CY0/VA1AXC.

5T0WP - 5T0WP/M - Mauritania - News - Information

5T0WP - 5T0WP/M - Mauritania - News - Information

5T0WP - 5T0WP/M - Mauritania - News - Information

Pedro, ON7WP will be active from Mauritania in December 2015 as 5T0WP and 5T0WP/M.

FH/F6BEE - Mayotte Island - News - Information

FH/F6BEE - Mayotte Island - News - Information

FH/F6BEE - Mayotte Island - News - Information

Jacques, F6BEE will be active from Mayotte Island (IOTA AF-027) 18 - 24 March 2016 as FH/F6BEE.

Monday, November 30, 2015

S0WP - S0WP/M - Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - News - Information

S0WP - S0WP/M - Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - News - Information

S0WP - S0WP/M - Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - News - Information

Pedro, ON7WP will be active from Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in December 2015 as S0WP and S0WP/M.

VK0EK - Heard Island - News - Information

VK6CQ, ZL3CW, HB9AHL, WJ2O, K3EL, I8NHJ, NP4IW, DJ5IW, UT6UD, HB9BXE, AE0EE, K2ARB, KK6EK will be active from Heard Island 6 - 20 March 2016 as VK0EK.

V25VYC - Antigua Island - News - Information

V25VYC - Antigua Island - News - Information

V25VYC - Antigua Island - News - Information

Pat, W5VY is currently active from Antigua Island (IOTA NA-100) as V25VYC.

CN9WP - CN9WP/M - Morocco - News - Information

CN9WP - CN9WP/M - Morocco - News - Information

CN9WP - CN9WP/M - Morocco - News - Information

Pedro, ON7WP will be active from Morocco in December 2015 as CN9WP and CN9WP/M.

VK9CK - Cocos Keeling Islands - News - Information

LB2TB, LA7GNA, LB1GB, LA9DFA will be active from Cocos (Keeling) Islands (IOTA OC-003) 15 - 26 March 2016 as VK9CK.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

T88IK - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

Kiichi, JF1LUT will be active again from Koror Island, Palau (IOTA OC-009) 30 November - 6 December 2015 as T88IK.

8T2BH - Bharati Research Station - Antarctica - News - Information

Bhagwati, VU3BPZ will be active from Bharati Research Station, Antarctica until December 2016 as 8T2BH.

PJ2/DF8ZH - Curacao Island - News - Information

PJ2/DF8ZH - Curacao Island - News - Information

PJ2/DF8ZH - Curacao Island - News - Information

Stephan, DF8ZH is currently active from Curacao Island (IOTA SA-099) as PJ2/DF8ZH.

ZF2PG - Grand Cayman Island - News - Information

Peter, K8PGJ will be active again from Grand Cayman Island (IOTA NA-016) 9 - 17 January 2016 as ZF2PG.

6V7A - Senegal - News - Information

6V7A - Senegal - News - Information

6V7A - Senegal - News - Information

Jacques, F6BEE/6W1RW will be active from Senegal in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as 6V7A.

Friday, November 27, 2015

HH2/N5JR - Haiti - News - Information

Joel, N5JR will be active again from Haiti 2 - 13 December 2015 as HH2/N5JR.

5J1E - Colombia - News - Information

5J1E - Colombia - News - Information

5J1E - Colombia - News - Information

Ville, OH2MM/PY2ZEA will be active from Colombia in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as 5J1E.

PJ4B - Bonaire Island - News - Information

Peter, PA8F will be active again from Bonaire Island 7 - 22 January 2016 as PJ4B.

FH/F2DX - Mayotte Island - News - Information

FH/F2DX - Mayotte Island - News - Information

FH/F2DX - Mayotte Island - News - Information

Pat, F2DX will be active from Mayotte (Maore) Islands (IOTA AF-027) 18 - 24 March 2016 as FH/F2DX.

7P8VR - Lesotho - News - Information

7P8VR - Lesotho - News - Information

7P8VR - Lesotho - News - Information

Heli, DD0VR will be active from Lesotho 4 - 7 January 2016 as 7P8VR.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

S9TM - Sao Tome and Principe - News - Information

WW2DX, W2RE, N2IEN will be active from Sao Tome and Principe 28 November - 1 December 2015 as S9TM not S93DX as announced earlier.

V47TR - Saint Kitts Island - News - Information

V47TR - Saint Kitts Island - News - Information

V47TR - Saint Kitts Island - News - Information

Ted, K8AQM will be active from Saint Kitts Island (IOTA NA-104) 13 - 21 February 2016 as V47TR.

8P9JB - Barbados Island - News - Information

Ernest, J69AZ will be active again from Barbados Island 15 December 2015 - 5 January 2016 as 8P9JB.

CE0Y/RZ3FW - CE0Y/R4WAA - Easter Island - News - Information

RZ3FW and R4WAA will be active from Easter Island (IOTA SA-001) 24 November - 2 December 2015 as CE0Y/RZ3FW and CE0Y/R4WAA.

VK2IAY/6 - Dirk Hartog Island - News - Information

VK2IAY/6 - Dirk Hartog Island - News - Information

VK2IAY/6 - Dirk Hartog Island - News - Information

Steve, G0UIH planning to be active from Dirk Hartog Island (IOTA OC-206) 10 - 17 January 2016 as VK2IAY/6.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

VK2IAY/3 - Phillip Island - News - Information

VK2IAY/3 - Phillip Island - News - Information

Intrepid Award - News - Informaton

The Intrepid-DX Group is seeking nominations for the individual or group that most displayed their “Intrepid Spirit” this past year.

VK2IAY/3 - Phillip Island - News - Information

Steve, G0UIH will be active from Phillip Island (IOTA OC-136) 29 December 2015 - 1 January 2016 as VK2IAY/3.

A43SI - Suwadi Island - News - Information

A43SI - Suwadi Island - News - Information

A43SI - Suwadi Island - News - Information

Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society team will be active again from Suwadi Island (IOTA AS-112) 10 - 12 Dember 2015 as A43SI.

DU1/R7KW - DU1/YL3JM - Mindoro Island - Lubang Island - News - Information

Serge R7KW, Oleg YL3JM and Rustam RU6K will be active from Mindoro Island (IOTA OC-244) 21 - 30 November 2015 as DU1/R7KW and DU1/YL3JM.

4S7DLG - Sri Lanka - News - Information

Radio Amateurs members of Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club, DK7TF and DH6ICE will be active again from Sri Lanka until 6 December 2015 as 4S7DLG.

T2TT - Tuvalu - News - Information

Dean KW7XX, Tim NL7F, Paula NX1P, Dick N7RO, Paul W7IV, Steve VE7CT will be active from Tuvalu Island (IOTA OC-015) 24 November - 2 December 2015 as T2TT.

Monday, November 23, 2015

P40W - Aruba - News - Information

John, W2GD will be active again from Santa Cruz, Aruba 24 November - 1 December 2015 as P40W.

S93DX - Sao Tome and Principe - News - Information

S93DX - Sao Tome and Principe - News - Information

S93DX - Sao Tome and Principe - News - Information

WW2DX, W2RE, N2IEN will be active from Sao Tome and Principe 28 November - 1 December 2015 as S93DX.

ZF2ET - Cayman Islands - News - Information

ZF2ET - Cayman Islands - News - Information

ZF2ET - Cayman Islands - News - Information

Stan, K5GO will be active from Cayman Islands in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as ZF2ET.

ET3AA - Ethiopia - K4ZW - News - Information

Ken, K4ZW will be active again from Ethiopia starting 28 November 2015 as ET3AA.

PJ7/DL9USA - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

PJ7/DL9USA - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

PJ7/DL9USA - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

Arno, DL9USA is currently active from Sint Maarten Island (IOTA NA-105) as PJ7/DL9USA.

VR2XAN - Peng Chau Island - Hong Kong - News - Information

Andrea, IV3SKB will be active again from Peng Chau Island, Hong Kong (IOTA AS-006) 23 November - 3 December 2015 as VR2XAN.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

YS90IARU - El Salvador - News - Information

YS90IARU - El Salvador - News - Information

YS90IARU - El Salvador - News - Information

Radio Amateurs members of Club de Radioficionados del El Salvador will be active from El Salvador with special call YS90IARU till 31 December 2015.

TG5/W8ERI - Guatemala - News - Information

TG5/W8ERI - Guatemala - News - Information

TG5/W8ERI - Guatemala - News - Information

Jim, W8ERI will be active from Guatemala 3 - 15 December 2015 as TG5/W8ERI.

CE0Y/RZ3FW - CE0Y/R4WAA - Easter Island - News - Information

RZ3FW and R4WAA will be active from Easter Island (IOTA SA-001) 24 November - 2 December 2015 as CE0Y/RZ3FW and CE0Y/R4WAA.

FY5KE - French Guiana - News - Information

F6FVY will be active from French Guiana in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as FY5KE.

Aitutaki Island - Cook Islands - News - Information

Milan, OK1DWC/E51DWC send to pictures from Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands.

Friday, November 20, 2015

ZL9A - Antipodes Islands - News - Information

Cezar VE3LYC, Craig VK5CE, Stan SQ8X, Bob KD1CT will be active from Antipodes Islands (IOTA OC-286) 7 - 11 January 2016 as ZL9A.

3B8JB - Mauritius Island - News - Information

Johny, SM6JBC will be active again from Mauritius Island (IOTA AF-049) until 11 December 2015 as 3B8JB.

FS/DL9USA - Saint Martin Island - News - Information

FS/DL9USA - Saint Martin Island - News - Information

FS/DL9USA - Saint Martin Island - News - Information

Andi, DL9USA is currently active from Saint Martin Island (IOTA NA-105) as FS/DL9USA.

J52HF - Guinea Bissau - News - Information

Livio, IZ3BUR will be active from Guinea Bissau 18 November - 10 December 2015 as J52HF.

3B8HB - Mauritius Island - News - Information

Jan, SM6GOR will be active again from Mauritius Island (IOTA AF-049) until 11 December 2015 as 3B8HB.

PJ2/KH0UN - Curacao Island - News - Information

PJ2/KH0UN - Curacao Island - News - Information

PJ2/KH0UN - Curacao Island - News - Information

Steve, KH0UN/PJ4DX will be active from Curacao Island (IOTA SA-099) 28 - 29 December 2015 as PJ2/KH0UN.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

PJ7ELY - PJ7K - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

Toshi JA1ELY, Yuki JH1NBN, Hal JR4OZR will be active from Sint Maarten Island (IOTA NA-105) 19 - 25 November 2015 as PJ7ELY and PJ7K.

V31WI - Belize - News - Information

V31WI - Belize - News - Information

V31WI - Belize - News - Information

WI9WI will be active again from Belize 22 - 30 November 2015 as V31WI.

HP1/LU9EFO - Taboga Island - News - Information

HP1/LU9EFO - Taboga Island - News - Information

HP1/LU9EFO - Taboga Island - News - Information

Martin, LU9EFO will be active from Taboga Island 21 - 22 November 2015 as HP1/LU9EFO.

P40C - P4/KU1CW - Aruba - News - Information

Alex, KU1CW will be active from Aruba 19 - 29 November 2015 as P4/KU1CW.

PJ2/PA3EYC - Curacao Island - News - Information

PJ2/PA3EYC - Curacao Island - News - Information

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

PJ2/PA3EYC - Curacao Island - News - Information

Maarten, PA3EYC will be active from Curacao Island until 27 November 2015 as PJ2/PA3EYC.

PY0F/PP1CZ - Fernando de Noronha Island - 2016 - News - Information

Leo, PP1CZ will be active again from Fernando de Noronha Island 19 - 26 January 2016 as PY0F/PP1CZ.

International Amateur Radio Union - 90 Years - Award - News - Information

The special award <90 years of IARU> was issued for the QSO with the **90IARU commemorative stations from 10 countries.

8Q7DV - Maldive Islands - CQ WW DX CW Contest 2015 - News - Information

Vadim R9DX and Igor UA9CDC will be active from Maldive Islands in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as 8Q7DV.

AU90IARU - India - News - Information

AU90IARU - India - News - Information

AU90IARU - India - News - Information

Radio Amateurs members of the Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) will be active from India till 31 December 2015 as AU90IARU.

V63YY - Pohnpei Islands - Micronesia - News - Information

V63YY - Pohnpei Islands - Micronesia - News - Information

V63YY - Pohnpei Islands - Micronesia - News - Information

JA1VND is currently active from Pohnpei Islands (IOTA OC-010), Micronesia as V63YY.

FP/KV1J - Miquelon Island - News - Information

Eric, KV1J will be active again from Miquelon Island (IOTA NA-032) 17 - 29 March 2016 as FP/KV1J.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

FG/F6ARC - Guadeloupe Island - News - Information

F6ARC will be active again from Guadeloupe Island (IOTA NA-102) 15 November - 2 December 2015 as FG/F6ARC.


The ARRL DXCC country ZL9 - Auckland and Campbell Islands will now be called New Zealand Subantarctic Islands.

3D2AG/P - Rotuma Island - News - Information

Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt, 3D2AG will be active from Rotuma Island 20 December 2015 - 15 January 2016 as 3D2AG/P.

V26K - Antigua Island - News - Information

Joseph, AA3B will be active again from Antigua Island Iin CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as V26K.

4S7SAE - Sri Lanka - News - Information

4S7SAE - Sri Lanka - News - Information

4S7SAE - Sri Lanka - News - Information

Armin, DK9PY will be active from Sri Lanka until 4 December 2015 as 4S7SAE.

Intrepid DX Group News - 17 November 2015

The VP8STI-South Sandwich, VP8SGI-South Georgia and VP8IDX (Falklands & /MM) licenses have been issued and are in hand. In just six short weeks, the team will be making their voyage to South Sandwich Island.

ZL9 - Antipodes Islands - News - Information

ZL9 - Antipodes Islands - News - Information

ZL9 - Antipodes Islands - News - Information

Cesar VE3LYC, Craig VK5CE, Stan SQ8X, Bob KD1CT will be active from Antipodes Islands (IOTA OC-286) 7 - 11 January 2016.

Monday, November 16, 2015

8Q7JC - Velassaru Island - Maldives - News - Information

8Q7JC - Velassaru Island - Maldives - News - Information

8Q7JC - Velassaru Island - Maldives - News - Information

Jean, VE2FDJ will be active from Velassaru Island, Maldives (IOTA AS-013) 29 November - 5 December 2015 as 8Q7JC.

TX2AH - TO2AH - French Polynesia - Mangareva Island - Gambier Islands - News - Information

TX2AH - TO2AH - French Polynesia - Mangareva Island - Gambier Islands - News - Information

TX2AH - TO2AH - French Polynesia - Mangareva Island - Gambier Islands - News - Information

Uli, DL2AH will be active from French Polynesia (IOTA OC-063) in August 2016 as TO2AH or TX2AH.

S79CD - Seychelles - News - Information

S79CD - Seychelles - News - Information

S79CD - Seychelles - News - Information

Hubert, DK4CD is currently active from Seychelles (IOTA AF-024) as S79CD.

VP6AH - Pitcairn Island - News - Information

VP6AH - Pitcairn Island - News - Information

VP6AH - Pitcairn Island - News - Information

Uli, DL2AH will be active from Pitcairn Island (IOTA OC-044) 3 September - 25 November 2016 as VP6AH.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

PJ7AN - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

Mike, DF8AN will be active from Sint Maarten Island (IOTA NA-105) 13 - 16 November 2015 as PJ7AN not PJ7/DF8AN as announced earlier.

JD1BON - Chichi Jima Island - Bonin Islands - Ogasawara Islands - News - Information

Take, JA1UII will be active again from Chichi Jima Island (IOTA AS-031) 25 November 2015 - 5 December 2015 as JD1BON.

PY0R/PY7RP - PU0R/PU0FDN - Atol das Rocas - Rocas Atoll - News - Information

PY7RP and PU0FDN will be active from Atol das Rocas (Rocas Atoll) IOTA SA-038 15 - 21 November 2015 as PY0R/PY7RP and PU0R/PU0FDN.

A35T - Tongatapu Island - Tonga - News - Information

A35T - Tongatapu Island - Tonga - News - Information

A35T - Tongatapu Island - Tonga - News - Information

W5MJ, VA7DX, ZS6RJ, VE7KW, K5DU, K5NA, W5PF, W5RF will be active from Tongatapu Island (IOTA OC-049) 18 - 24 February 2016 as A35T.

DU1/R7KW - DU1/YL3JM - Mindoro Island - Lubang Island - News - Information

DU1/R7KW - DU1/YL3JM - Mindoro Island - Lubang Island - News - Information

DU1/R7KW - DU1/YL3JM - Mindoro Island - Lubang Island - News - Information

Serge R7KW, Oleg YL3JM and Rustam RU6K will be active from Mindoro Island (IOTA OC-244) 21 - 30 November 2015 as DU1/R7KW and DU1/YL3JM.

Monday, November 9, 2015

EL2DW - Liberia - News - Information

EL2DW - Liberia - News - Information

EL2DW - Liberia - News - Information

Donald, KD4UDU will be active from Liberia until 17 December 2015 as EL2DW.

J3/KO8SCA - Grenada Island - News - Information

J3/KO8SCA - Grenada Island - News - Information

J3/KO8SCA - Grenada Island - News - Information

Adrian, KO8SCA will be active from Grenada Island (IOTA NA-024) 23 - 29 November 2015 as J3/KO8SCA.
He will operate on 40 - 10m SSB, CW.

WRTC 2014 - CW Skills Competation - News - Information

WRTC 2014 CW Skills Competation.

TK0C - Corsica - News - Information

TK0C - Corsica - News - Information

TK0C - Corsica - News - Information

S53CC, S53XX, S57VW, S53ZO, S55OO, S50P, S57C will be active from Corsica Island (IOTA EU-014) in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as TK0C.

Friday, November 6, 2015

VK9WA - Middle Island - Willis Islets - News - Information

An international team of amateur radio operators, Rob N7QT, Jared N7SMI, Sandro VE7NY, Adam K7EDX, Hawk SM5AQD, Gus SM3SGP, Allan VE7SZ, will be active from Middle (Mid) Island, Willis Islands (Willis Islets) 14 - 23 November 2015 as VK9WA.

TI9/RA9USU - TI9/TI2HMJ - Cocos Island - News - Information

Jorge, TI2HMJ will be active again from Cocos Island 11 - 15 November 2015 as TI9/TI2HMJ.

FR/DL1RPL - FR/DL3RKS - Reunion Island - News - Information

FR/DL1RPL - FR/DL3RKS - Reunion Island - News - Information

FR/DL1RPL - FR/DL3RKS - Reunion Island - News - Information

Peter, DL1RPL and Soren, DL3RKS will be active from Reunion Island (IOTA AF-016) 27 November - 3 December 2015 as FR/DL1RPL and FR/DL3RKS.

FH/DL1RPL - FH/DL3RKS - Mayotte Island - News - Information

FH/DL1RPL - FH/DL3RKS - Mayotte Island - News - Information

FH/DL1RPL - FH/DL3RKS - Mayotte Island - News - Information

Peter, DL1RPL and Soren, DL3RKS will be active from Mayotte Island (IOTA AF-027) 19 - 25 November 2015 as FH/DL1RPL and FH/DL3RKS.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

3B9HA - Rodrigues Island - News - Information

Olof, G0CKV will be active again from Rodrigues Island (IOTA AF-017) 15 - 23 November 2015 as 3B9HA.

FR/F5UOW- FR/F8FUA- Reunion Island- News- Information

Stephane, F5UOW will be active again from Reunion Island (IOTA AF-016) 16 December 2015 - 8 January 2016 as FR/F5UOW.

Z21MH - Zimbabwe - News - Information

Z21MH - Zimbabwe - News - Information

Z21MH - Zimbabwe - News - Information

Massimo, IZ0EGB will be active from Zimbabwe starting end of the 2015 as Z21MH.

Iran - DX Pedition - News - Information

Yuris, YL2GM with team planning to be active from Iran in February 2016.

HR8/AA4W - Honduras

Richard,AA4W will be active from Honduras as HR8/AA4W from 15 to 25 february 2009

PJ6/DF8AN - PJ6N - Saba Island - News - Information

Mike, DF8AN will be active from Saba Island (IOTA NA-145) 4 - 13 November 2015 as PJ6/DF8AN.

KH7M - Hawaiian Islands - News - Information

KH7M - Hawaiian Islands - News - Information

KH7M - Hawaiian Islands - News - Information

Jim, N6TJ will be active from Hawaiian Islands in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as KH7M.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

P40MH - P40MA - Aruba - News - Information

OH2BAD and OH1MA will be active from Aruba 3 - 10 November 2015 as P40MH and P40MA.

FT5XT - Kerguelen Islands - News - Information

FT5XT - Kerguelen Islands - News - Information

FT5XT - Kerguelen Islands - News - Information

Gildas, TU5KG will be active again from Kerguelen Islands early 2016 as FT5XT.

W2GD/KP2 - KP2/W2GD - US Virgin Islands - News - Information

W2GD/KP2 - KP2/W2GD - US Virgin Islands - News - Information

W2GD/KP2 - KP2/W2GD - US Virgin Islands - News - Information

John, W2GD will be active from US Virgin Islands (IOTA NA-106) 4 - 10 November 2015 as W2GD/KP2.

TX8D - New Caledonia - News - Information

Sam FK8DD, Dom FK8CE, Mic FK8IK will be active from New Caledonia Island (IOTA OC-032) in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as TX8D.

PJ6/OH1VR - PJ6/OH3JR - Saba Island - News - Information

Seppo, OH1VR and Henri, OH3JR will be active from Saba Island 23 November - 2 December 2015 as PJ6/OH1VR and PJ6/OH3JR.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

6V1A - Goree Island - News - Information

Radio Amateurs members ARAS (Association des Radio-Amateurs du Senegal) will be active again from Goree Island (IOTA AF-045), Senegal 5 - 29 November 2015 as 6V1A.

Friday, October 30, 2015

ZF2SC - Cayman Islands - News - Information

ZF2SC - Cayman Islands - News - Information

ZF2SC - Cayman Islands - News - Information

Scott, KA9P is currently active from Cayman Islands as ZF2SC.

PJ7/DF8AN - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

PJ7/DF8AN - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

PJ7/DF8AN - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

Mike, DF8AN will be active from Sint Maarten Island (IOTA NA-105) 13 - 16 November 2015 as PJ7/DF8AN.

PJ6/DF8AN - Saba Island - News - Information

PJ6/DF8AN - Saba Island - News - Information

PJ5/DF8AN - Saba Island - News - Information

Mike, DF8AN will be active from Saba Island (IOTA NA-145) 4 - 13 November 2015 as PJ6/DF8AN.

ZB2X - Gibraltar - News - Information

ZB2X - Gibraltar - News - Information

Thursday, October 29, 2015

ZB2X - Gibraltar - News - Information

Jorma, OH2KI will be active from Gibraltar in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as ZB2X.

VP2MVI - Montserrat Island - News - Information

VP2MVI - Montserrat Island - News - Information

VP2MVI - Montserrat Island - News - Information

Jim, W3NRJ will be active from Montserrat Island (IOTA NA-103) 4 - 12 November 2015 as VP2MVI.

4W/JA8BMK - Timor Leste - News - Information

4W/JA8BMK - Timor Leste - News - Information

4W/JA8BMK - Timor Leste - News - Information

Toshi, JA8BMK will be active from Timor Leste 2 - 19 November 2015 as 4W/JA8BMK.

P5/3Z9DX - North Korea - DPRK - News - Information

Dom 3Z9DX is inform that he is planning to be active from North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) January - February 2016 as P5/3Z9DX.

P4/PA7DA - Aruba Island - News - Information

P4/PA7DA - Aruba Island - News - Information

P4/PA7DA - Aruba Island - News - Information

Jaap, PA7DA will be active from Aruba Island (IOTA SA-036) during March 2016 as P4/PA7DA.

PJ7ELY - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

PJ7ELY - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

PJ7ELY - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

Toshi JA1ELY, Yuki JH1NBN, Hal JR4OZR will be active from Sint Maarten Island Anguilla Island (IOTA NA-105) 19 - 25 November 2015 as PJ7ELY.

VP2ELY - Anguilla Island - News - Information

VP2ELY - Anguilla Island - News - Information

VP2ELY - Anguilla Island - News - Information

Toshi JA1ELY, Yuki JH1NBN, Hal JR4OZR will be active from Anguilla Island (IOTA NA-022) 13 - 18 November 2015 as VP2ELY.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

YB4IR/3 - Kangean Island - Kangean Islands - News - Information

YB4IR/3 - Kangean Island - Kangean Islands - News - Information

YB4IR/3 - Kangean Island - Kangean Islands - News - Information

Imam, YB4IR will be active from Kangean Island, Kangean Islands (IOTA OC-217) 2 - 6 November 2015 as YB4IR/3.

YB4IR/3 - Gili Iyang Island - News - Information

YB4IR/3 - Gili Iyang Island - News - Information

YB4IR/3 - Gili Iyang Island - News - Information

Imam, YB4IR will be active from Gili Iyang Island (Healthy Island) IOTA OC-237 30 October - 1 November 2015 as YB4IR/3.

J7/WJ2O - Dominica Island - News - Information

J7/WJ2O - Dominica Island - News - Information

J7/WJ2O - Dominica Island - News - Information

Dave, WJ2O will be active from Dominica Island 17 - 23 February 2016 as J7/WJ2O.

5K0P - San Andres Island - News - Information

5K0P - San Andres Island - News - Information

5K0P - San Andres Island - News - Information

Team of Polish Radio Amateurs will be active from San Andres Island (IOTA NA-033) in March 2016 as 5K0P.

Monday, October 26, 2015

V25CNC - Antigua Island - News - Information

V25CNC - Antigua Island - News - Information

V25CNC - Antigua Island - News - Information

Joe, KA3CNC will be active from Antigua Island (IOTA NA-100) 7 - 15 November 2015 as V25CNC.

T88FG - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88FG - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88FG - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

Takashi, JR1EFG will be active from Koror Island, Palau Islands (IOTA OC-009) in Mid May 2016 as T88FG.

V63FG - Pohnpei Islands - News - Information

V63FG - Pohnpei Islands - News - Information

V63FG - Pohnpei Islands - News - Information

Takashi, JR1EFG will be active from Pohnpei Islands (IOTA OC-010) in March 2016 as V63FG.

PJ4Q - Bonaire Island - News - Information

W4PA, WF7T, S53R, PJ4NX will be active from Bonaire Island in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as PJ4Q.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015

TY2AC - Benin - News - Information

Nicolas, F8FQX ex TJ3SN, TN5SN, 5T5SN will be active from Benin three years as TY2AC not TY2SN as reported earlier.

4U70UN - United Nations - News - Information

Members of United Nations Amateur Radio Club KT1J, NT2X, K1ZK, UN7TER, N1JEZ, SM6LRR, RA9USU, KR2Q will be active from United Nations Headquarters New York in celebration of 70th anniversary of United Nations Day as 4U70UN.

Friday, October 23, 2015

HO2C - Panama - News - Information

HO2C - Panama - News - Information

HO2C - Panama - News - Information

HP2NG, HP2BWJ, HP1CQ, HP2DB, HP2ROC, HP2EK will be active from Panama in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as HO2C.

3XY1T - Iles de Los - Loose Islands - Guinea - News - Information

I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIA, IK2HKT, JA3USA, IK2RZP, I1HJT will be active from Iles de Los (Loose Islands), IOTA AF-051, Guinea 18 February 4 March 2016 as 3XY1T.

9Y4D - Trinidad Island - Trinidad and Tobago Islands - News - Information

9Y4D - Trinidad Island - Trinidad and Tobago Islands - News - Information

9Y4D - Trinidad Island - Trinidad and Tobago Islands - News - Information

Chris, 9Y4D will be active from Trinidad Island (IOTA SA-011), Trinidad and Tobao in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as 9Y4D.

NA8O/KH0 - Northern Mariana Islands - News - Information

NA8O/KH0 - Northern Mariana Islands - News - Information

NA8O/KH0 - Northern Mariana Islands - News - Information

JK1FNL is currently active from Northern Mariana Islands (IOTA OC-086) as NA8O/KH0.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

T88ZO - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88ZO - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88ZO - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

Kazu, JA1IST will be active again from Koror Island (IOTA OC-009), Palau 22 - 27 October 2015 as T88ZO.

D4F - Sao Vicente Island - Cabo Verde - Cape Verde - News - Information

Massimo, IZ4DPV will be active from Sao Vicente Island (IOTA AF-086), Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) 21 - 29 October 2015 as D4F.

V47DG - Saint Kitts Island - News - Information

V47DG - Saint Kitts Island - News - Information

V47DG - Saint Kitts Island - News - Information

Doug, K1DG is currently active from Saint Kitts Island (IOTA NA-104) as V47DG.

D4Z - Sao Vicente Island - Cabo Verde - Cape Verde - News - Information

D4Z - Sao Vicente Island - Cabo Verde - Cape Verde - News - Information

D4Z - Sao Vicente Island - Cabo Verde - Cape Verde - News - Information

Massimo, IZ4DPV will be active from Sao Vicente Island (IOTA AF-086), Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) 24 - 25 October 2015 as D4Z.

8P2K - Barbados - 8P6SH - News - Information

8P2K - Barbados - 8P6SH - News - Information

8P2K - Barbados - 8P6SH - News - Information

Dean, 8P6SH will be active from Barbados in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as 8P2K.

JW3TR - Spitsbergen Island - News - Information

JW3TR - Spitsbergen Island - News - Information

JW3TR - Spitsbergen Island - News - Information

Thor, LA3TR is currently active from Spitsbergen Island (IOTA EU-026) as JW3TR.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

4U70UN - United Nations - News - Information

Members of United Nations Amateur Radio Club KT1J, NT2X, K1ZK, UN7TER, N1JEZ, SM6LRR, RA9USU, KR2Q will be active from United Nations Headquarters New York in celebration of 70th anniversary of United Nations Day as 4U70UN.

3C7GIA - Bioko Island - Fernando Po Island - News - Information

Kenneth Opskar, LA7GIA will be active from Bioko (Fernando Po) Island (IOTA AF-010) 12 - 23 November 2015 as 3C7GIA (call is not confirmed yet).

9M6NA - Labuan Island - News - Information

Saty, JE1JKL will be active again from Labuan Island (IOTA OC-133) 26 - 29 November 2015 as 9M6NA.

Monday, October 19, 2015

TO8M - Martinique Island - News - Information

TO8M - Martinique Island - News - Information

TO8M - Martinique Island - News - Information

Christian, LA8OM will be active from Martinique Island (IOTA NA-107) in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as TO8M.

VP5S - Turks and Caicos - News - Information

K0MD, K4IU, W0BM, AC0W will be active from Turks and Caicos in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as VP5S.

CN2AA - Morocco - News - Information

UA3ASZ, RL3FT, UA3FB, RK3FA, RK7A, RA3CO, RW7K, UB7K, RV3MA, UA2FM, R3DCX, UA4Z, UX0LL, RK3AD, RM2U, RC6U, RM9I, RU9I, UA3AB, RX3APM will be active from Morocco in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as CN2AA.

A35OK - A35OL - Tonga - Tongatapu - Vavaʻu - Ha'apai Islands - News - Information

A35OK - A35OL - Tonga - Tongatapu - Vavaʻu - Ha'apai Islands - News - Information

A35OK - A35OL - Tonga - Tongatapu - Vavaʻu - Ha\\\'apai Islands - News - Information

Martin, OK1FZM and Lenka (YL), OK1WZM will be active from Tonga 27 October - 10 November 2015 as A35OK and A35OL.

4W/JI1AVY - Timor Leste - News - Information

Hide, JI1AVY will be active again from Timor Leste starting 22 - 29 October 2015 as 4W/JI1AVY.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

PJ7/G4JEC - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

PJ7/G4JEC - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

PJ7/G4JEC - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

Chris, N0UK/G4JEC will be active from Sint Maarten Island (IOTA NA-105) 29 November - 4 December 2015 as PJ7/G4JEC.

8P9AL - Barbados - News - Information

8P9AL - Barbados - News - Information

8P9AL - Barbados - News - Information

Chuck, KG9N will be active from Barbados Island (IOTA NA-021) 15 - 29 October 2015 as 8P9AL.

YS1YS - El Salvador - Club de Radioaficionados de El Salvador - News - Information

YS1GMV and YS1MAE will be active from El Salvador in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as YS1YS.

XX9TIH - XX9TUD - Coloane Island - Macau - News - Information

XX9TIH - XX9TUD - Coloane Island - Macau - News - Information

XX9TIH - XX9TUD - Coloane Island - Macau - News - Information

SP9FIH and SP2FUD will be active from Coloane Island (IOTA AS-075), Macau 16 - 28 October 2015 as XX9TIH and XX9TUD.

DU9/RC5A - DU9/RM0F - Siargao Island - News - Information

DU9/RC5A - DU9/RM0F - Siargao Island - News - Information

DU9/RC5A - DU9/RM0F - Siargao Island - News - Information

Elena RC5A (YL) and Yuri RM0F will be active from Siargao Island (IOTA OC-235) 1 - 13 November 2015 as DU9/RC5A and DU9/RM0F.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

VK0EK - Heard Island - News - Information

VK6CQ, ZL3CW, HB9AHL, WJ2O, K3EL, I8NHJ, NP4IW, DJ5IW, UT6UD, HB9BXE, AE0EE, K2ARB, KK6EK will be active from Heard Island 6 - 20 March 2016 as VK0EK.

CR3OO - Madeira Island - News - Information

CR3OO - Madeira Island - News - Information

CR3OO - Madeira Island - News - Information

Jose, CT1BOH will be active from Madeira Island in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as CR3OO.

ZA/OH2YY - Albania - News - Information

Pekka, OH2YY will be active from Albania inCQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as ZA/OH2YY.

PJ2/W4PGM - PJ2/W4VAB - Curacao Island - News - Information

PJ2/W4PGM - PJ2/W4VAB - Curacao Island - News - Information

PJ2/W4PGM - PJ2/W4VAB - Curacao Island - News - Information

W4PGM and W4VAB will be active from Curacao Island (IOTA SA-099) 28 October - 2 November 2015 as PJ2/W4PGM and PJ2/W4VAB.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

C91B - C91J - Mozambique - News - Information

C91B - C91J - Mozambique - News - Information

C91B - C91J - Mozambique - News - Information

Beth 2W0VOW and John ZS5J will be active from Mozambique again 20 October - 3 November 2015 as C91B.

PZ5W - Suriname - News - Information

PZ5W - Suriname - News - Information

PZ5W - Suriname - News - Information

N0AT, DF7OGO, W0OR, N0STL, K0AD, K3WT will be active from Suriname 23 November - 2 December 2015 as PZ5W.

OJ0W - Market Reef - News - Information

Pasi, OH3WS will be active again from Market Reef (IOTA EU-053) 17 - 19 October 2015 as OJ0W.

S9BK - Sao Tome and Principe - News - Information

S9BK - Sao Tome and Principe - News - Information

S9BK - Sao Tome and Principe - News - Information

Bruno, HB9BEI will be active from Sao Tome and Principe 25 February - 24 March 2016 as S9BK (call not confirmed).

Monday, October 12, 2015

YF1AR/8 - Barat Daya Islands - News - Information

YF1AR/8 - Barat Daya Islands - News - Information

YF1AR/8 - Barat Daya Islands - News - Information

Budi Santoso, YF1AR will be active from Barat Daya Islands (IOTA OC-272) starting 15 October 2015 as YF1AR/8.

PJ7PL - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

Phil, WA1ZAM will be active again from Sint Maarten Island 17 - 31 October 2015 as PJ7PL.

A35KL - Tongatapu Island - News - Information

A35KL - Tongatapu Island - News - Information

A35KL - Tongatapu Island - News - Information

David, W6ZL will be active from Tongatapu Island (IOTA OC-049) 17 - 24 October 2015 as A35KL.

PJ7AA - Sint Maarten Island - News - Information

Tom, AA9A will be active again from Sint Maarten Island 16 February - 12 March 2016 as PJ7AA.

A35JP/P - Vava’u Islands - News - Information

A35JP/P - Vava’u Islands - News - Information

A35JP/P - Vava’u Islands - News - Information

Masa, JA0RQV will be active from Vava’u Islands (IOTA OC-064) 31 October - 2 November 2015 as A35JP/P.

VP2MXP - VP2MEW - VP2MRL - Montserrat Island - News - Information

VP2MXP - VP2MEW - VP2MRL - Montserrat Island - News - Information

VP2MXP - VP2MEW - VP2MRL - Montserrat Island - News - Information

AI5P, K3EW, KE5FNA will be active from Montserrat Island (IOTA NA-103) 4 - 12 November 2015 as VP2MXP, VP2MEW, VP2MRL.

OK1DWC - E51DWC - Aitutaki Island - News - Information

OK1DWC - E51DWC - Aitutaki Island - News - Information

OK1DWC - E51DWC - Aitutaki Island - News - Information

Milan, OK1DWC/E51DWC back to Europe and send us some pictures of Aitutaki Island.

J6/K9AW - Saint Lucia Island - News - Information

Gary, K9AW will be active again from Saint Lucia Island 24 November- 7 December 2015 as J6/K9AW.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

ZL7/ZL3MA - Chatham Islands - News - Information

ZL7/ZL3MA - Chatham Islands - News - Information

ZL7/ZL3MA - Chatham Islands - News - Information

Graham, ZL3MA will be active from Chatham Islands 20 - 27 October 2015 as ZL7/ZL3MA.

P40DX - Aruba - News - Information

P40DX - Aruba - News - Information

P40DX - Aruba - News - Information

Jeff, K5JP will be active from Aruba 9 - 17 October 2015 as P40DX.

P40JW - Aruba - News - Information

Jim, NT5V will be active again from Aruba 9 - 17 October 2015 as P40JW.

Future of IOTA Programme

Islands on the Air (IOTA) celebrated its 50th anniversary as a premier DX programme in July 2014.

A71CV - Qatar - News - Information

A71CV - Qatar - News - Information

A71CV - Qatar - News - Information

A71AM, A71CO, A71CV, A71BX, 9K2RR, 7Z1SJ, HZ1HN, HZ1BW, HZ1DG, A92AA, HZ1MX, HZ1BL, SQ9UM, SQ9DIE, SQ9CNN, SQ9FK will be active from Qatar in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as A71CV.

6Y9X - Jamaica - News - Information

6Y9X - Jamaica - News - Information

6Y9X - Jamaica - News - Information

Paul, K1XM will be active again from Jamaica in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as 6Y9X.

HI3W - Dominican Republic - News - Information

HI3W - Dominican Republic - News - Information

HI3W - Dominican Republic - News - Information

Brian, ND3F will be active from Dominican Republic 23 November - 3 December 2015 as HI3W (call not confirmed).

8P5A - Barbados - News - Information

Tom, W2SC will be active again from Barbados in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as 8P5A.

XU7AHA - Cambodia - News - Information

XU7AHA - Cambodia - News - Information

XU7AHA - Cambodia - News - Information

Ton, JA3IKC will be active from Cambodia starting 25 October 2015 as XU7AHA.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

K5P - Palmyra Atoll - News - Information

K0IR, K4UEE, K6MM, K9CT, K9NW, N2TU, N9TK, ND2T, W0GJ, W3OA, W8HC, WB9Z will be active from Palmyra Atoll 11 - 26 January 2016 as K5P.

DP0GVN - Neumayer III Station - Antarctica - News - Information

DP0GVN - Neumayer III Station - Antarctica - News - Information

DP0GVN - Neumayer III Station - Antarctica - News - Information

Marcus, DL1MH will be active from Neumayer III Station, Antarctica December 2015 - February 2017 as DP0GVN.

DP1POL- Neumayer Station III- Antarctica- News- Information

DP1POL- Neumayer Station III- Antarctica- News- Information

DP1POL- Neumayer Station III- Antarctica- News- Information

Felix, DL5XL will be active again from Neumayer Station III, Antarctica November 2015 - February 2016 as DP1POL.

E30FB - Eritrea - News - Information

Zorro, JH1AJT will be active again from Eritrea 16 - 22 October 2015 as E30FB.

6W7SK - Senegal - News - Information

6W7SK - Senegal - News - Information

6W7SK - Senegal - News - Information

Francis, F6BLP will be active again from Senegal 5 January - 31 January 2016 as 6W7SK.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

PJ4X - Bonaire Island - News - Information

PJ4X - Bonaire Island - News - Information

PJ4X - Bonaire Island - News - Information

K2NG and NA2AA will be active from Bonaire Island in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as PJ4X.

TX3X - Chesterfield Islands - DX Pedition - News - Information

Alan AD6E, David N6HD, Arnold N6HC, Walt N6XG, Pista HA5AO, Gene K5GS, Ross K6GFJ, John K6MM, Kevin K6TD, Stu K6TU, Tom ND2T, Steve W1SRD, Les W2LK, Mike WA6O will be active from Chesterfield Islands 1 - 12 October 2015 as TX3X.

TT8AMO - Chad - News - Information

TT8AMO - Chad - News - Information

TT8AMO - Chad - News - Information

Pierre, HB9AMO will be active from Chad mid October - mid November 2015 as TT8AMO.

4U70UN - United Nations - News - Information

4U70UN - United Nations - News - Information

4U70UN - United Nations - News - Information

Members of United Nations Amateur Radio Club will be active from United Nations Headquarters New York in celbration of 70th anniversary of United Nations Day as 4U70UN.

SW9AA - Crete Island - News - Information

SW9AA - Crete Island - News - Information

SW9AA - Crete Island - News - Information

Christo, LZ3FN will be active from Crete Island 21 November - 1 December 2015 as SW9AA.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

PJ4Q - Bonaire Island - News - Information

W4PA, K5ZD, PJ4DX, PJ4NX, PJ4KY will be active from Bonaire Island in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as PJ4Q.

A73A - Qatar - CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2015

A73A - Qatar - CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2015

YB9KA/P - YB9GV/P - Gili Gede Island - News - Information

YB9KA/P - YB9GV/P - Gili Gede Island - News - Information

A73A - Qatar - CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2015

A71EM, OZ1ADL, A71GO, OZ7AM, A71AE, LY4L, A75GM, S59M, A71FJ will be active from Qatar in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as A73A.

ZF2MJ - Cayman Islands - News - Information

Dan, N6MJ will be active from Cayman Islands in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2015 as ZF2MJ.

YB9KA/P - YB9GV/P - Gili Gede Island - News - Information

YB9KA/P - YB9GV/P - Gili Gede Island - News - Information

YB9KA/P - YB9GV/P - Gili Gede Island - News - Information

Kardi, YB9KA and Adi YB9GV will be active from Gili Gede Island (IOTA OC-150) 10 - 11 October 2015 as YB9KA/P and YB9GV/P.

PY0NY - Fernando de Noronha - News - Information

Janio de Sousa Godoi, PY4NY will be active again from Fernando de Noronha Island 28 October - 5 November 2015 as PY0NY.

PJ4G - Bonaire Island - News - Information

PJ4G - Bonaire Island - News - Information

PJ4G - Bonaire Island - News - Information

K2NG and NA2AA will be active from Bonaire Island in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as PJ4G.

TX3X - Chesterfield Islands - DX Pedition - News - Information

Alan AD6E, David N6HD, Arnold N6HC, Walt N6XG, Pista HA5AO, Gene K5GS, Ross K6GFJ, John K6MM, Kevin K6TD, Stu K6TU, Tom ND2T, Steve W1SRD, Les W2LK, Mike WA6O will be active from Chesterfield Islands 1 - 12 October 2015 as TX3X.

Monday, October 5, 2015

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Первыми, на территории нынешней Черновицкой области Украины, коротковолновиками стали Дан Константин (YR5XJ) и Марин Добре (YR5MD

FY/F5UII - French Guiana - News - Information

Christian, F5UII will be active again from French Guiana 19 - 28 October 2015 as FY/F5UII.

V85/VE3LA - Brunei - News - Information

V85/VE3LA - Brunei - News - Information

V85/VE3LA - Brunei - News - Information

Ken, VE3LA will be active from Brunei until 9 October 2015 as V85/VE3LA.

T32DX - Kiritimati Island - Christmas Island - News - Information

Bill KH6OO, Will W0ZRJ and John N0PJV will be active from Kiritimati (Christmas) Island, IOTA OC-024 27 October - 3 November 2015 as T32DX.

D4D - Boa Vista Island - Cabo Verde - Cape Verde - News - Information

EA1ACP, EA1DVY, EA5HPX, EA7FTR, CX3AN, CX2AM, CX4CR, EB7DX will be active from Boa Vista Island (IOTA AF-086), Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) 17 - 24 October 2015 as D4D.

V47T - V47NT - Saint Kitts and Nevis Islands - News - Information

N2NT, KM3T, K1DG will be active from Saint Kitts and Nevis Islands in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as V47T.