Thursday, September 24, 2015

3D2PM - Fiji - News - Information

3D2PM - Fiji - News - Information

3D2PM - Fiji - News - Information

John, KK7L will be active from Fiji Islands September/October 2015 as 3D2PM.

FT4XU - Kerguelen Island - Announce

FT4XU - Kerguelen Island - Announce

FT4XU - Kerguelen Island - Announce

I will leave France at mid-November to Réunion Island, and there get on board of \"Marion Dufresne\", the supply ship of the french austral territories. It will take approximately 10-15 day to reach the Kerguelen archipelago with a stopover at Crozet archipelago.

4S7YSG - Sri Lanka - News - Information

4S7YSG - Sri Lanka - News - Information

4S7YSG - Sri Lanka - News - Information

Yasuo Satake, JA2SWH is currently active from Sri Lanka (IOTA AS-003) as 4S7YSG.

P4/DL6RAI - Aruba - News - Information

Bern, DL6RAI is currently active from Aruba as P4/DL6RAI.

YF1AR/0 - Pramuka Island - Seribu Islands

Budi Santoso, YF1AR will be active again from Pramuka Island, Seribu Islands (IOTA OC-177) 26 - 27 September 2015 as YF1AR/0.

E6GG - Niue Island - News - Information

Members of Six-G DX Ped Group Don G3BJ, Chris G3SVL, Nigel G3TXF, David G3WGN, Mike G3WPH, Hilary G4JKS, Justin G4TSH will be active from Niue Island 16 - 29 September 2015 as E6GG.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

3B8/IW1GIO - Mauritius Island - News - Information

3B8/IW1GIO - Mauritius Island - News - Information

3B8/IW1GIO - Mauritius Island - News - Information

IW1GIO is currently active from Mauritius Island (IOTA AF-049) as 3B8/IW1GIO.

8P9EZ - Barbados - News - Information

8P9EZ - Barbados - News - Information

8P9EZ - Barbados - News - Information

Marty, W8AKS will be active from Barbados 5 - 12 December 2015 as 8P9EZ.

5H3/IZ2RXF - Tanzania - News - Information

5H3/IZ2RXF - Tanzania - News - Information

5H3/IZ2RXF - Tanzania - News - Information

Stefano, IZ2RXF will be active from Tanzania as 5H3/IZ2RXF.

Cayo Sobrero Island - IOTA - News - Information

Cayo Sobrero Island - IOTA - News - Information

Cayo Sobrero Island - IOTA - News - Information

Amateur Radio Team from Venezuela will be active from Cay Sombrero Island (IOTA SA-089) 8 - 12 October 2015 as YY4TSS/1, YY4DCT/1, YV1KK/P, YY1YLY/1, YV4ET/1, YY4FJF/1, YV4KW/1, YY4CFS/1, YV6DFF/1, YY6MEM/1, YV6CR/1, YV4MP/1, YV2CAR/1, YY4CDM/1, YV4BHH/1, YY4AKA/1, YY4ALE/1, YV4NR/1, YY4RDC/1, YY4SAT/1.

Monday, September 21, 2015

YF1AR/0 - Panggang Island - News - Information

YF1AR/0 - Panggang Island - News - Information

YF1AR/0 - Panggang Island - News - Information

Budi Santoso, YF1AR will be active from Panggang Island, Seribu Islands (IOTA OC-177) 24 - 26 September 2015 as YF1AR/0.

Z21MG - Zimbabwe - News - Information

David OK6DJ, Petr OK1FCJ/OL8R, Pavel OK1FPS will be active from Zimbabwe 18 - 30 September 2015 as Z21MG.

P40A - Aruba - News - Information

P40A - Aruba - News - Information

P40A - Aruba - News - Information

John, KK9A will be active again from Aruba 18 - 25 October 2015  as P40A.

HR2J - Honduras - News - Information

HR2J - Honduras - News - Information

HR2J - Honduras - News - Information

John Warburton, G4IRN will be active from Honduras 21 - 30 November 2015 as HR2J.

QRO Club - Offers free DX Pedition travel amplifiers - News

QRO Club - Offers free DX Pedition travel amplifiers - News

QRO Club - Offers free DX Pedition travel amplifiers - News

Dxpeditioners take note, there’s a new club to help you out: the “QRO CLUB”. Supported by W1YW and the Fractal Amateur Radio Club (W1FRX), the QRO CLUB has one objective--to keep DX on the bands active.

VK6BP/P - Koolan Island - News - Information

Chris, VK6BP will be active from Koolan Island (IOTA OC-071) only one day 21 September 2015 as VK6BP/P.

E6GG - Niue Island - News - Information

Members of Six-G DX Ped Group Don G3BJ, Chris G3SVL, Nigel G3TXF, David G3WGN, Mike G3WPH, Hilary G4JKS, Justin G4TSH will be active from Niue Island 16 - 29 September 2015 as E6GG.

WS5K/KH8 - KH8/WS5K - American Samoa - News - Information

WS5K/KH8 - KH8/WS5K - American Samoa - News - Information

WS5K/KH8 - KH8/WS5K - American Samoa - News - Information

Stanley, WS5K will be active from American Samoa 20 September - 4 October 2015 as WS5K/KH8.

Friday, September 18, 2015

T2GC - Tuvalu - News - Information

Stanislav Vatev LZ1GC, Lubo Martiska OM5ZW, John Mitton KK7L will be active from Tuvalu 24 September - 14 October 2015 as T2GC.

JI3DST/5 - Shodo Island - News - Information

JI3DST/5 - Shodo Island - News - Information

JI3DST/5 - Shodo Island - News - Information

Take, JI3DST will be active from Shodo (小豆島) Island (IOTA AS-200) 19 - 24 September 2015 as JI3DST/5.

TX3X - Chesterfield Islands - DX Pedition - News - Information

Joe AA4NN, Pista HA5AO, Gene K5GS, Ross K6GFJ, John K6MM, Kevin K6TD, Stu K6TU, Tom ND2T, Steve W1SRD, Les W2LK, Mike WA6O will be active from Chesterfield Islands 1 - 12 October 2015 as TX3X.

TO4GU - FM/DL7VOG - Martinique Island - News - Information

TO4GU - FM/DL7VOG - Martinique Island - News - Information

TO4GU - FM/DL7VOG - Martinique Island - News - Information

Gerd Uhlig, DL7VOG will be active from Martinique Island 10 November - 8 December 2015 as FM/DL7VOG.

YF1AR/0 - Pari Island - News - Information

YF1AR/0 - Pari Island - News - Information

YF1AR/0 - Pari Island - News - Information

Budi Santoso, YF1AR will be active from Pari Island, Seribu Islands (IOTA OC-177) 19 - 20 September 2015 as YF1AR/0.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

VK5MAV/8 - Croker Island - News - Information

VK5MAV/8 - Croker Island - News - Information

VK5MAV/8 - Croker Island - News - Information

Andrey Mikhaylov, VK5MAV will be active from Croker Island (IOTA OC-229) 1 - 6 November 2015 as VK5MAV/8.

5W0IF - Upolu Island - Samoa - News - Information

5W0IF - Upolu Island - Samoa - News - Information

5W0IF - Upolu Island - Samoa - News - Information

5W0IF - Upolu Island - Samoa - News - Information

5W0IF - Upolu Island - Samoa - News - Information

Lars, ZL1IF will be active from Upolu Island, Samoa (IOTA OC-097) 25 November - 3 December 2015 as 5W0IF.

VP8IDX - VP8IDX/MM - Falkland Islands - News - Information

VP8IDX - VP8IDX/MM - Falkland Islands - News - Information

VP8IDX - VP8IDX/MM - Falkland Islands - News - Information

N6PSE, K3LP, N2WB, N6HC, RA9USU, JH4RHF, K1LZ, WD5COV, K3VN, K9CT, K4ZLE, K6TD, VE7CT, NA6M will be active from Falkland Islands (IOTA SA-002) starting 9 January 2016 as VP8IDX.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

VP8STI - South Sandwich Islands - Southern Thule Island - News - Information

VP8STI - South Sandwich Islands - Southern Thule Island - News - Information

VP8STI - South Sandwich Islands - Southern Thule Island - News - Information

N6PSE, K3LP, N2WB, N6HC, A9USU, JH4RHF, K1LZ, WD5COV, K3VN, K9CT, K4ZLE, K6TD, VE7CT, NA6M will be active from South Sandwich Islands (IOTA AN-009) 17 - 27 January 2016 as VP8STI.

PJ2/PG5M - Curacao Island - News - Information

PJ2/PG5M - Curacao Island - News - Information

PJ2/PG5M - Curacao Island - News - Information

Gerben, PG5M will be active from Curacao Island (IOTA SA-099) until 26 September 2015 as PJ2/PG5M.

Kiritimati Island - Christmas Island - News - Information

Kiritimati Island - Christmas Island - News - Information

Kiritimati Island - Christmas Island - News - Information

K8AQM,KG8CO, AC8W, N8LJ, K8QKY, K8MU, N6FS will be active from Kiritimati (Christmas) Island (IOTA OC-024) 1 - 16 March 2016 as T32TR, T32CO, T32WW, T32LJ, T32SB, T32MU, T32FS.

VP8SGI - South Georgia Islands - News - Information

VP8SGI - South Georgia Islands - News - Information

VP8SGI - South Georgia Islands - News - Information

N6PSE, K3LP, N2WB, N6HC, RA9USU, JH4RHF, K1LZ, WD5COV, K3VN, K9CT, K4ZLE, K6TD, VE7CT will be active from South Georgia Islands 8 Days in January - February 2016 as VP8SGI.

Video - Tajikistan - Star time lapse - EY8MM

Video - Tajikistan - Star time lapse - EY8MM

Video - Tajikistan - Star time lapse - EY8MM

Video Tajikistan Star time lapse. Author Nodir Tursun Zade EY8MM.

Monday, September 14, 2015

VK0EK - Heard Island - News - Information

VK6CQ, ZL3CW, HB9AHL, WJ2O, K3EL, I8NHJ, NP4IW, DJ5IW, UT6UD, HB9BXE, AE0EE, K2ARB, KK6EK will be active from Heard Island 6 - 20 March 2016 as VK0EK.

VP8SGI - VP8STI - News - 15 September 2015

The South Sandwich Islands are a cold and inhospitable place. At 59 degrees south, Southern Thule Island is one of the most remote places on Earth.

HH2AA - Haiti - News - Information

HH2AA - Haiti - News - Information

HH2AA - Haiti - News - Information

Radio amateurs from Radio Club D'Haiti will be active from Haiti 19 - 27 September 2015 as HH2AA.

J3/DH5FS - Grenada - News - Information

J3/DH5FS - Grenada - News - Information

J3/DH5FS - Grenada - News - Information

DH5FS will be active from Grenada till end of September 2015 as J3/DH5FS.

3D2YJ - Viti Levu Island - Fiji - News - Information

3D2YJ - Viti Levu Island - Fiji - News - Information

T88UW - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88UW - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

3D2YJ - Viti Levu Island - Fiji - News - Information

Kazu, JA8ECS will be active from Viti Levu Island, Fiji 23 - 28 September 2015 as 3D2YJ.

T88UW - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88UW - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88UW - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

Ichiro Takahashi JH7IPR, will be active from Koror Island, Palau 7 - 14 January 2016 as T88UW.

FT4XU - Kerguelen Islands - News - Information

FT4XU - Kerguelen Islands - News - Information

FT4XU - Kerguelen Islands - News - Information

Nicolas, F4EGX will be active from Kerguelen Islands end of 2015 early 2016 as FT4XU.

YB8RW/5 - Siantan Island - Anambas Islands - News - Information

YB8RW/5 - Siantan Island - Anambas Islands - News - Information

YB8RW/5 - Siantan Island - Anambas Islands - News - Information

Din, YB8RW is currently active from Siantan Island, Anambas Islands (IOTA OC-108) as YB8RW/5.

TX7A - Moorea Island - Society Islands - News - Information

TX7A - Moorea Island - Society Islands - News - Information

TX7A - Moorea Island - Society Islands - News - Information

Moto, JA1GZV will be active from Moorea Island (IOTA OC-046), Society Islands 19 September - 30 October 2015 as TX7A.

YE3B - Bawean Islands - News - Information

YE3B - Bawean Islands - News - Information

YE3B - Bawean Islands - News - Information

Radio amateurs from Orari Local Gresik, YB3CC, YB3EZ, YB3LZ, YB3MM, YB3QZ, YB8RW, YD3ARY, YD3BFX, YD3ISB will be active from Bawean Island, Selayar Island, Noko Island (IOTA OC-197), Bawean Islands 24 - 27 September 2015 as YE3B.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

9Y4/WJ2O - Trinidad and Tobago - News - Information

9Y4/WJ2O - Trinidad and Tobago - News - Information

9Y4/WJ2O - Trinidad and Tobago - News - Information

David, WJ2O will be active from Trinidad and Tobago 25 - 30 November 2015 as 9Y4/WJ2O.

KG4AW - Guantanamo Bay - News - Information

KG4AW - Guantanamo Bay - News - Information

KG4AW - Guantanamo Bay - News - Information

Jim, KG9LB will be active from Guantanamo Bay (IOTA NA-015) 9 - 16 October 2015 as KG4AW.

3D2RJ - Viti Levu Island - Fiji - News - Information

3D2RJ - Viti Levu Island - Fiji - News - Information

3D2RJ - Viti Levu Island - Fiji - News - Information

Dean KW7XX, Paula NX1P, Dick N7RO, Paul W7IV will be active from Viti Levu Island (IOTA OC-016), Fiji starting 3 December 2015 as 3D2RJ.

KG4WV - KG4DY - Guantanamo Bay - News - Information

KG4WV - KG4DY - Guantanamo Bay - News - Information

KG4WV - KG4DY - Guantanamo Bay - News - Information

Bill, W4WV and Keith, KE4KDY will be active from Guantanamo Bay 9 October - 23 October 2015 as KG4WV and KG4DY.

T2TT - Tuvalu - News - Information

T2TT - Tuvalu - News - Information

T2TT - Tuvalu - News - Information

Dean KW7XX, Tim NL7F, Paula NX1P, Dick N7RO, Paul W7IV will be active from Tuvalu Island 24 November - 2 December 2015 as T2TT.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

S0S - S01WS - Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - News - Information

S0S - S01WS - Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - News - Information

S0S - S01WS - Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - News - Information

Roberto, EA2CNU and Arseli, EA2JG  will be active from Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic 22 - 28 October 2015 as S01WS and S0S (S Zero S).

FJ/W9DR - FJ/W9AEB - Saint Barthelemy Island - News - Information

FJ/W9DR - FJ/W9AEB - Saint Barthelemy Island - News - Information

FJ/W9DR - FJ/W9AEB - Saint Barthelemy Island - News - Information

Dave, W9DR and Tom, W9AEB will be active from Saint Barthelemy Island 17 - 29 June 2016 as FJ/W9DR and FJ/W9AEB.

VK0EK- Heard Island

Members of Cordell Expeditions will be active from Heard Island in January 2016 as VK0EK

YJ0AFU - Vanuatu - News - Information

YJ0AFU - Vanuatu - News - Information

YJ0AFU - Vanuatu - News - Information

Daniel, VK4AFU will be active again from Vanuatu 2 - 10 January 2016 as YJ0AFU.

T88RY - Palau - News - Information

T88RY - Palau - News - Information

T88RY - Palau - News - Information

Frank, I2DMI will be active from Palau 22 - 29 December 2015 as T88RY.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

VP2V/N3DXX - British Virgin Islands - News - Information

VP2V/N3DXX - British Virgin Islands - News - Information

VP2V/N3DXX - British Virgin Islands - News - Information

N3DXX and AA7V will be active from British Virgin Islands in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as VP2V/N3DXX.

XW1IC - Laos - News - Information

Champ, E21EIC will be active again from Laos 11 - 15 September 2015 as XW1IC.

V26K - Antigua Island - News - Information

V26K - Antigua Island - News - Information

V26K - Antigua Island - News - Information

Joseph, AA3B will be active again from Antigua Island 13 - 18 September 2015 as V26K.

YC9MKF/P - Rote Island - News - Information

YC9MKF/P - Rote Island - News - Information

YC9MKF/P - Rote Island - News - Information

Ferdy Konay, YC9MKF is currently active from Rote Island (IOTA OC-241) as YC9MKF/P.

Monday, September 7, 2015

J68HZ - Saint Lucia Island - News - Information

J68HZ - Saint Lucia Island - News - Information

J68HZ - Saint Lucia Island - News - Information

Bill, K9HZ will be active again from Saint Lucia Island (IOTA NA-108) until 13 September 2015 as J68HZ.

JR3IXB/VP9 - Bermuda - VP9/JR3IXB - News - Information

JR3IXB/VP9 - Bermuda - VP9/JR3IXB - News - Information

JR3IXB/VP9 - Bermuda - VP9/JR3IXB - News - Information

Masanori Oki, JR3IXB will be active from Bermuda 7 - 9 September 2015 as JR3IXB/VP9.

E51MBX - Manihiki Atoll - News - Information

E51MBX - Manihiki Atoll - News - Information

E51MBX - Manihiki Atoll - News - Information

Melanie Bishop, N7BX will be active from Manihiki Atoll 29 September - 26 October 2015 as E51MBX.

TY2SN - Benin - News - Information

TY2SN - Benin - News - Information

TY2SN - Benin - News - Information

Nicolas, F8FQX ex TJ3SN, TN5SN, 5T5SN will be active from Benin three years as TY2SN.

3B7FA - Saint Brandon - Cargados Carajos - News - Information

Patrice, 3B8FA will be active from Saint Brandon (Cargados Carajos) Archipelago (IOTA AF-015) 26 - 31 October 2015 as 3B7FA.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Australians are lazy, or for how long you may expect activation of the islands?

Australians are lazy, or for how long you may expect activation of the islands?

Australians are lazy, or for how long you may expect activation of the islands?

When my second trip to Kangaroo OC-139 was announced on internet in February 2014, I’ve received few messages from various countries (including Russia) with a common refrain - \"Hmmm… almost everyone has got the Island confirmed for so long now, and few who hasn’t - worked with you in the first trip.

TO2M - FM/VE8DX - Martinique Island - News - Information

TO2M - FM/VE8DX - Martinique Island - News - Information

TO2M - FM/VE8DX - Martinique Island - News - Information

Kostyantyn, VE3LA will be active from Martinique Island 17 - 27 October 2015 as FM/VE8DX.

3D2AG/P - Rotuma Island - News - Information

3D2AG/P - Rotuma Island - News - Information

3D2AG/P - Rotuma Island - News - Information

Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt, 3D2AG will be active from Rotuma Island 6 December 2015 - 15 January 2016 as 3D2AG/P.

Friday, September 4, 2015

D44TUK - D44TUQ - Boa Vista Island - Cabo Verde - News - Information

D44TUK - D44TUQ - Boa Vista Island - Cabo Verde - News - Information

D44TUK - D44TUQ - Boa Vista Island - Cabo Verde - News - Information

Chris, DL2MDU and Heike (YL), DL3HD will be active from Boa Vista Island (IOTA AF-086), Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) 11 - 25 September 2015 as D44TUK and D44TUQ.

PJ4M - Bonaire Island - PH2M - News - Information

PJ4M - Bonaire Island - PH2M - News - Information

PJ4M - Bonaire Island - PH2M - News - Information

Frank, PH2M will be active again from Bonaire Island 26 September - 11 October 2015 as PJ4M.

CE0Y/RZ3FW - CE0Y/R4WAA - Easter Island - News - Information

CE0Y/RZ3FW - CE0Y/R4WAA - Easter Island - News - Information

CE0Y/RZ3FW - CE0Y/R4WAA - Easter Island - News - Information

CE0Y/RZ3FW - CE0Y/R4WAA - Easter Island - News - Information

CE0Y/RZ3FW - CE0Y/R4WAA - Easter Island - News - Information

RZ3FW and R4WAA will be active from Easter Island (IOTA SA-001) 24 November - 2 December 2015 as CE0Y/RZ3FW and CE0Y/R4WAA.

5W0CW - Upolu Island - Samoa - News - Information

5W0CW - Upolu Island - Samoa - News - Information

5W0CW - Upolu Island - Samoa - News - Information

Craig Harrison, VK2ACH is currently active from Upolu Island as 5W0CW.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

VP2ECC - Anguilla Island - News - Information

VP2ECC - Anguilla Island - News - Information

VP2ECC - Anguilla Island - News - Information

Andreas Glaeser, DL9USA will be active from Anguilla Island 8 - 23 November 2015 as VP2ECC.

TX6A - Tahiti Island - News - Information

Moto, JA1GZV is currently active from Tahiti Island as TX6A.

PJ4/OH2BAD - PJ4/OH1MA - Bonaire Island - News - Information

OH2BAD and OH1MA will be active from Bonaire Island 10 - 18 October 2015 as PJ4/OH2BAD and PJ4/OH1MA.

P40MH - P4/OH1MA - Aruba - News - Information

P40MH - P4/OH1MA - Aruba - News - Information

P40MH - P4/OH1MA - Aruba - News - Information

OH2BAD and OH1MA will be active from Aruba 3 - 10 October 2015 as P40MH and P4/OH1MA.

RI0F - RI0F/P - Moneron Island - News - Information

UA0LCZ, RM0F will be active from Moneron Island (Japanese name 海馬島 Kaibato), IOTA AS-149 2 - 10 September 2015 as RI0F and RI0F/P.

T88AK - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88AK - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

T88AK - Koror Island - Palau - News - Information

Kazuma Aoki, JF1BQZ is currently active from Koror Island (IOTA OC-009), Palau as T88AK.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

C6ASL - Grand Bahama Island - News - Information

C6ASL - Grand Bahama Island - News - Information

C6ASL - Grand Bahama Island - News - Information

Randy, K5SL will be active from Grand Bahama Island 5 - 18 September 2015 as C6ASL.

TX6A - Mayotte Island - News - Information

TX6A - Mayotte Island - News - Information

TX6A - Mayotte Island - News - Information

Sam, F6AML is currently active from Mayotte Island as TX6A.

YJ0BJ - Vanuatu - News - Information

YJ0BJ - Vanuatu - News - Information

YJ0BJ - Vanuatu - News - Information

Barry, VK2BJ will be active again from Vanuatu 2 - 16 December 2015 as YJ0BJ.

DU9AQQ - Samal Island - News - Information

DU9AQQ - Samal Island - News - Information

DU9AQQ - Samal Island - News - Information

Simon Dabbs, G4GFN retired and active now from Samal Island (IOTA OC-235) as DU9AQQ.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

6Y5/JA0RQV - Jamaica - News - Information

6Y5/JA0RQV - Jamaica - News - Information

6Y5/JA0RQV - Jamaica - News - Information

Masato Tamura, JA0RQV will be active from Jamaica from middle of October for 2 month as 6Y5/JA0RQV.

TI5/NO8I - Costa Rica - News - Information

TI5/NO8I - Costa Rica - News - Information

TI5/NO8I - Costa Rica - News - Information

N6JRL, AB8Y, W8CI, W3TB will be active from Costa Rica in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 24 - 25 October 2015 as TI5/NO8I.

TX3X - Chesterfield Islands - DX Pedition - News - Information

Joe AA4NN, Pista HA5AO, Gene K5GS, Ross K6GFJ, John K6MM, Kevin K6TD, Stu K6TU, Tom ND2T, Steve W1SRD, Les W2LK, Mike WA6O will be active from Chesterfield Islands 1 - 12 October 2015 as TX3X.

7P8BFN - Lesotho - News - Information

7P8BFN - Lesotho - News - Information

7P8BFN - Lesotho - News - Information

Michael ZS4BHF, Brendon ZS4BM, Dennis ZS4BS will be active from Lesotho 3 - 4 September 2015 as 7P8BFN.

VK0EK- Heard Island

Members of Cordell Expeditions will be active from Heard Island in January 2016 as VK0EK