Thursday, November 30, 2017

6W7/F6HMJ - Senegal - News

Jacques, F6HMJ will be active from Senegal, 21 December 2017 - 15 January 2018 as 6W7/F6HMJ.

3C0L - Annobon Island - News

Juris, YL2GM and Kaspars, YL3AIW will be active as 3C0L from Annobon Island, IOTA AF - 039, 18 - 22 October 2017.

3C1L - Equatorial Guinea - News

Juris, YL2GM with team will be active from Equatorial Guinea as 3C1L.

9M2MRS - Penang Island - News

Rich, PA0RRS will be active again from Penang Island, IOTA AS-015, 1 December 2017 - 31 January 2018 as 9M2MRS.

Monday, November 27, 2017

FG/DD0VR - Guadeloupe - News

FG/DD0VR - Guadeloupe - News

FG/DD0VR - Guadeloupe - News

Bigi (YL), DE3BW and Heli, DD0VR will be active from Guadeloupe, IOTA NA - 102, 14 - 20 January 2018, as FG/DD0VR.

J70VR - Dominica Island - News

J70VR - Dominica Island - News

J70VR - Dominica Island - News

Biwi (YL), DE3BW and Heli, DD0VR will be active from Dominica Island, IOTA NA - 101, 10 - 14 January 2018 as J70VR.

2017 CQ WW CW SO4M 8

2017 CQ WW CW SO4M 8

2017 CQ WW CW SO4M 8

A brief illustrated report from a collective effort by 4 operators and 1 station owner - hence the call sign SO4M - Single Owner 4 Men.

5H3ARC - Dar es Salaam - Tanzania - News

5H3ARC - Dar es Salaam - Tanzania - News

5H3ARC - Dar es Salaam - Tanzania - News

Radio Amateurs members of Tanzania Amateur Radio Club will be active from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as 5H3ARC for International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

FM/DD0VR - Martinique Island - News

FM/DD0VR - Martinique Island - News

FM/DD0VR - Martinique Island - News

Bigi (YL), DE3BW and Heli, DD0VR will be active from Martinique Island, IOTA NA - 107, 1 - 10 January 2018, as FM/DD0VR.

T88UW - Koror Island - Palau - News

Ichiro Takahashi JH7IPR, will be active again from Koror Island, IOTA OC - 009, Palau 13 - 19 April 2018 as T88UW.

8P0VR - Barbados - News

8P0VR - Barbados - News

8P0VR - Barbados - News

Bigi (YL), DF3BW and Heli, DD0VR will be active from Barbados Island, IOTA NA - 021, 17 - 31 December 2017, as 8P0VR (call not confirmed yet).

V5/DK1CE - Namibia - News

V5/DK1CE - Namibia - News

V5/DK1CE - Namibia - News

Ulmar Schmidt, DK1CE is currently active from Namibia as V5/DK1CE.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Taumako Island - Duff Islands, IOTA Expedion

Taumako Island - Duff Islands, IOTA Expedion

Taumako Island - Duff Islands, IOTA Expedion

Cezar, VE3LYC, inform that he will operate in early May 2018 from Taumako Island, the largest in the Duff Islands group, IOTA OC-179, of Temotu, for a period of at least 5 days, while the entire trip is expected to take 12 days.

VP5M - VP5/K4QPL - VP5/AA4NC - Providenciales Island - News

K4QPL and AA4NC will be active from Providenciales Island, IOTA NA - 002, in CQ WW DX CW Contest 25 - 26 November 2017 as VP5M.

ZF2PG - Grand Cayman Island - News

Peter, K8PGJ will be active again from Grand Cayman Island, IOTA NA-016, 13 - 21 January 2018 as ZF2PG.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

CT9/R7KW - CT9/YL3JM - Madeira Island - News

Rustam, RU6K inform, that Serge R7KW and Oleg YL3JM will be active from Madeira Island, IOTA AF - 014, 21 - 26 November 2017 as CT9/R7KW and CT9/YL3JM.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

VP2ESM - VP2EHC - Anguilla Island - News

Seppo OH1VR and Henri OH3JR will be active again from Anguilla Island, IOTA NA - 022, 21 November - 2 December 2017 as VP2ESM and VP2EHC.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

PZ5V - Suriname - News

Members of VooDoo Contests Group, AA7A, G4IRN, G4FON, KY7M will be active from Suriname in CQ WW DX CW Contest 25 - 26 November 2017 as PZ5V.

Monday, November 13, 2017

VK9AR - Ashmore Reef - VK9AR/6 - Browse Island

I can let you know that VK9AR OC-216 Ashmore Reef and VK9AR/6 OC-234, Browse Island have both been accepted for IOTA credit overnight.

Video - DP6T - Amateur Radio - Contest Station

Video DP6T Amateur Radio Contest Station. CQ WW DX, CQ WPX, WAG Contests.

5X8B - Uganda - News

Andy, DL3YM will be active again from from Uganda in CQ WW DX CW Contest 25 - 26 November 2017 as 5X8B.

4S7TNG - Sri Lanka - News

4S7TNG - Sri Lanka - News

4S7TNG - Sri Lanka - News

Takayuki, JI1SHQ moved to Sri Lanka, IOTA AS - 003, and will be active as 4S7TNG several years.

5T5TI - Tidra Island - News

5T2AI, A61M, A92AA will be active from Tidra Island, IOTA AF - 050, 1 - 7 December 2017 as 5T5TI.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

EG1ET - Salvora Island - IOTA EU 077 - News

EG1ET - Salvora Island - IOTA EU 077 - News

EG1ET - Salvora Island - IOTA EU 077 - News

Radio Amateurs from Spain will be active from Salvora Island, IOTA EU - 077, 18 - 19 November 2017 as EG1ET.

5T1R - Mauritania - News

5T1R - Mauritania - News

5T1A - Mauritania - News

Fawaz, A92AA will be active from Mauritania, as 5T1A, 20 November - 20 December 2017.

5T1R - Mauritania - News

Obaid Alshamsi, A61M will be active from Mauritania, as 5T1R, 20 November - 20 December 2017.

PJ2/KU1CW - Curacao Island - News

PJ2/KU1CW - Curacao Island - News

PJ2/KU1CW - Curacao Island - News

Alex, KU1CW will be active from Curacao Island, IOTA SA - 099, 15 - 20 November 2017 as PJ2/KU1CW.


Due to the great stoppage of pilots of the Avianca Local Airline of Colombia, the team of the dxpedition IOTA SA040 and SA093 Martin Butera LU9EFO and Camilo Andres Fierros Castellanos HK3TU, decided to postpone the dxpedition until February of next year.

Friday, November 10, 2017

V31MK - Belize - News

V31MK - Belize - News

V31MK - Belize - News

Michael, K5MDK will be active from Belize 1 - 5 March 2018 as V31MK.

6W/ON4AVT - Mbour - Senegal - News

6W/ON4AVT - Mbour - Senegal - News

6W/ON4AVT - Mbour - Senegal - News

Willy, ON4AVT inform, that he will be active from Mbour, Senegal in February 2018 as 6W/ON4AVT.

JW2US - Bear Island - 2017 - 2018

JW2US - Bear Island - 2017 - 2018

JW2US - Bear Island - 2017 - 2018

LA2US will be active from Bear Island, IOTA EU-027, during 6 month starting December 2017 as JW2US.

FY4VOS - French Guina - News

Bruno, DH1BL will be active from French Guiana 26 November - 7 December 2017 as FY4VOS.

DXCC Approved - News - Information

The DXCC Department has approved the following operations

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Sunday, November 5, 2017

KH0/AA4NC - KH0/AA4VK - Saipan Island - News

KH0/AA4NC - KH0/AA4VK - Saipan Island - News

KH0/AA4NC - KH0/AA4VK - Saipan Island - News

AA4NC and AA4VK will be active from Saipan Island, IOTA OC - 086, 22 - 28 February 2017 as KH0/AA4NC and KH0/AA4VK.

3C1L - Equatorial Guinea - News

Juris, YL2GM with team will be active from Equatorial Guinea as 3C1L.

P29VXG - New Britain Island - News

Haru, JA1XGI will be active from New Britain Island, IOTA OC - 008, Bismark Archipelago 1 - 7 February 2018 as P29VXG.

9L/KW4XJ - Freetown - Sierra Leone - News

9L/KW4XJ - Freetown - Sierra Leone - News

9L/KW4XJ - Freetown - Sierra Leone - News

Mark, KW4XJ is currently active from Freetown, Sierra Leone as 9L/KW4XJ.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017

CU4DX - Graciosa Island - News

Oliver, W6NV inform that Alan K0AV and Oliver, W6NV will be active from Graciosa Island, in CQ WW DX CW Contest 25 - 26 November 2017 as CU4DX.

VP9/DK7LX - Bermuda Islands - News

VP9/DK7LX - Bermuda Islands - News

VP9/DK7LX - Bermuda Islands - News

Georg, DK7LX will be active from Bermuda Islands, IOTA NA - 005, 7 - 21 November 2017 as VP9/DK7LX.

V26K - Antigua Island - News

Bud, AA3B will be active again from Antigua Island, IOTA NA - 100, 22 - 27 November 2017 as V26K.

PS0F - Fernando de Noronha Island - News

PS0F - Fernando de Noronha Island - News

PS0F - Fernando de Noronha Island - News

PP2BT and PY7RP will be active from Fernando de Noronha Island, IOTA SA - 003, in CQ WW DX CW Contest 25 - 26 November 2017 as PS0F.

VP8SGK - South Georgia Island - News

VP8SGK - South Georgia Island - News

VP8SGK- South Georgia Island - News

Mike, GM0HCQ will be active again from South Georgia Island as VP8SGK.

Single Operator DX Pedition in West Africa - Senegal

Single Operator DX Pedition in West Africa - Senegal

Single Operator DX Pedition in West Africa - Senegal

Usually, it is not a good when your husband disagrees with your parents, but when it comes to amateur radio there is usually nothing you can do to stop them.

6V1A - Goree Island - News

Radio Amateurs members ARAS (Association des Radio-Amateurs du Senegal) will be active again from Goree Island, IOTA AF-045, Senegal, 15 - 17 December 2017 as 6V1A.

TO5W - FM/KO8SCA - Martinique Island - News

TO5W - FM/KO8SCA - Martinique Island - News

TO5W - FM/KO8SCA - Martinique Island - News

Adrian, KO8SCA inform that he will be active from Martinique Island, IOTA NA - 107, in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 25 - 26 November 2017 as TO5W.