Wednesday, August 30, 2023

1A0C - Sovereign Military Order of Malta

1A0C QSL cards have been ordered from the printer.

4W8X - Timor Leste

Highlighting today: Working North America and South America During our 4W1A scouting trip in April we experienced how easy it is to work into Europe and Asia.

H44WA - Solomon Islands

Our team of six from western Washington, H44WA, is set to leave for Honiara on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands on November 10.

Monday, August 28, 2023

9L5M - Sierra Leone

Shabu Ramakrishan, M0KRI will be active as 9L5M from Sierra Leone, 23 November - 6 December 2023.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

9Q2WX - Congo

there's always a surprise. There's no internet, no hot water and sometimes no electricity.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

E51JAN - Manihiki

Janusz, SP9FIH will be active as E51JAN from Manihiki Island, IOTA OC - 014, North Cook Islands, 12 October - 6 November 2023.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

FW2CW - FW5N - Wallis Island

Jacky, ZL3CW will be active as FW2CW from Wallis Island, IOTA OC - 054, Wallis and Futuna, 20 - 30 November 2023.

CB0ZA - Robinson Crusoe Island

CB0ZA plans are way underway. We are happy to announce a new addition to our team.

Monday, August 21, 2023

V48A - V47RB - Saint Kitts Island

Bob, WX4G will be active as V47RB from Saint Kitts Island, IOTA NA - 104, 20 November - 1 December 2023.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

T32AN - Kiritimati

Bert, CX3AN will be active as T32AN from Kiritimati Island, IOTA OC - 024, Kiribati, 4 - 11 October 2023.

9Q2WX - Congo

 I have antennas for 80, 40 and 30 now. No internet acces, FT8 doesnt work.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

JW6VDA - Svalbard

Tom, LA6VDA will be active again as JW6VDA from Svalbard Islands, IOTA EU - 026, 30 August - 6 September 2023.

E51D - Penrhyn Atoll

We are waiting for the \"authorities\" to let us start operating, which should be around Aug 22 or 23rd.

4W8X - Timor Leste

Highlighting today: Cables and Electricity at 4W8X \"Amateur Radio is a wireless hobby\" - but for 4W8X we'll have to roll out several kilometers of Coax, Rotor and Control cable.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

E51D - Penhryn Atoll

E51D Team will be active from Penhryn Atoll, IOTA OC - 082, North Cook Islands, 19 August - 10 September 2023.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Monday, August 14, 2023

OJ0JR - Market Reef

Henri, OH3JR will be active again as OJ0JR from Market Reef, IOTA EU - 053, until 26 August 2023.

Friday, August 11, 2023

ZL7IO - Chatham Islands

Holger, ZL3IO will be active as ZL7IO from Chatham Islands, IOTA OC - 038, New Zealand, in September.

ZD9W - Tristan da Cunha

Yuris, YL2GM will be active as ZD9W from Tristan da Cunha Island, IOTA AF - 029, 24 September - 22 October 2023.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

TX5S - Clipperton

Our current plan consists of two operating camps: CW/Digital/Satellite/EME and SSB/Digital.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Sunday, August 6, 2023

3B9AT - Rodrigues

3B9AT Team will be active from Rodrigues Island, IOTA AF - 017, 27 December 2023 - 6 January 2024.

4W8X - Timor Leste

Highlighting today: The 4W8X High Band Antennas 10/15/20m will have two antennas each: One 3-ele resp. 4-ele Monoband Yagi (sponsored by Momobeam, many thanks)

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Friday, August 4, 2023

T2C - Tuvalu

These are our new planned frequencies according to different regions' band plans and they are subject to change depending on the current band situation

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

T22T - Tuvalu

T22T Team will be active from Tuvalu Islands, IOTA OC - 015, starting mid September 2023 for about 20 Days.

VK9LAA - Lord Howe

VK9LAA Team will be active from Lord Howe Island, IOTA OC - 004, 20 September - 4 October 2023.

A22EW - Botswana

VA3QY will be active from Botswana, 16 September - 8 October 2023 as A22EW.