Thursday, November 30, 2023

ZD7Z - Saint Helena

Elvira Simoncini, IV3FSG will be active as ZD7Z from Jamestown, Saint Helena Island, IOTA AF - 022, 16 January - 4 February 2024.

CY9C - Saint Paul Island

The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has agreed in principle to allow our team the opportunity to conduct another DXpedition to the small Northeast Island of St Paul.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

PJ2ND - Curacao Island

Jeff, K8ND will be active PJ2ND from Curacao Island, IOTA SA - 099, until 31 January 2024.

T32TT - Kiritimati

Preparation at full speed now. This will 90% digital activity (if you like it or not).

Monday, November 27, 2023

VU4N - Andaman Islands

Krish, W4VKU will be active as VU4N from Andaman Islands, IOTA AS - 001, 16 - 26 December 2023.

VU7A - Lakshadweep Islands

Krish, W4VKU will be active as VU7A from Lakshadweep Islands, IOTA AS - 106, 5 - 10 December 2023.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

H44WA - Solomon Islands

Our third station lost its amplifier, so is a dedicated 100w ft8 station when running.

XW4DX - Laos

It's almost the end! We are starting to dismantle the antennas today to only keep the Hexbeam, the 40m 4square and the 160m vertical.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

9L5M - Sierra Leone

Yesterday, I had a great first sleep in Freetown after being sick during the ferry from Lungi Airport to Freetown.

H44WA - Solomon Islands

Juggling two stations with power available for the low bands, we have been rotating between 160m, 80m, 60m, and 40m.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

4W8X - Timor Leste

Propagation was not good. No US on CW but terrible crashes from thunderstorms between Singapore and Tarawa.

H44WA - Solomon Islands

Last night's conditions on 160m were down from the previous night. Tonight's plan is to get on 160m FT8 at our sundown, then move to CW as conditions allow.

DXCC - Most Wanted countries 2023

DXCC Most wanted countries 2023 Club Log version. Updated November 2023.

Monday, November 20, 2023

H44WA - Solomon Islands

We did some RX antenna work for 80 and 160 (well, and 60 too), and we're itching to try it out.

4W8X - Timor Leste

Last night I thought it was the most worst night of the DXped but this night topped it.

VK9XY - Christmas Island

Low band vertical is installed, but still the tuning is pending. QSL card design is ready

FW2CW - FW5N - Wallis Island

Jacky, ZL3CW will be active as FW2CW from Wallis Island, IOTA OC - 054, Wallis and Futuna, 20 - 30 November 2023.

PR0T - Trindade and Martim Vaz

PR0T is QRT. The operations began on November 16th 2003z and finished on November 20th  0600z.

4W8X - Timor Leste

Club Log information should be OK now. From now on please regard the \"Livestream\" as EXPERIMENTAL.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Friday, November 17, 2023

4W8X - Timor Leste

Another interesting night is over. Band opened late. I had  been there before sunset already.

PR0T - Trindade and Martim Vaz

A PARTIAL log for the first 24h of operations has been uploaded to Clublog.

H44WA - Solomon Islands

Putting up 160m antenna is a today project. We will also take down 80m antenna to adjust SWR for CW portion of band.

3B8M - Mauritius

3B8M Team will be active from Mauritius Island, IOTA AF - 049, in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 25 - 26 November 2023.

4W8X - Timor Leste

We were in trouble deep as - until a few hours ago - we didn't have a network connection between our two sites.

PR0T - Trindade and Martim Vaz

Still within the first 24h of operations, some progress has been done. Two fully operational stations are on the air.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

7O8AD - 7O8AE - Yemen

Ken 7O8AD reports, “We are quite satisfied with the stay. We ended on 57,000 QSOs.

5R8VE - Nosy Faly

F4EZG will be active as 5R8VE from Nosy Faly Island, IOTA AF - 057, Madagascar, 5 December 2023 - 2 January 2024.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

PR0T - Trindade and Martim Vaz

the trip has been nice, still 150NM to reach Trindade Island. The weather forecast is still good and estimated time of arrival (ETA) is around 1400z.

V26K - Antigua Island

Bud, AA3B will be active as V26K from Antigua Island, IOTA NA - 100, 19 - 27 November 2023.

VK9XY - Christmas Island

VK9XY Team start activity from Christmas Island.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

H44WA - Solomon Islands

We all arrived safely in Honiara. Unfortunately all 15 checked bags from 5 of us on same flights never made it

7O8AD - 7O8AE - Yemen

Ken 7O8AD reports, “We're in good spirit and approaching 50k QSOs. I have decided not to do more 160m.

P44W - Aruba

John, W2GD will be active from Santa Cruz, Aruba November 21 - 28, 2023 operating under the call P44W.

4W8X - Timor Leste

4W8X Update: Today at Sunday, 12-Nov, the rest of the team will arrive on site.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

4S7KKG - Sri Lanka

Peter, DC0KK will be active again as 4S7KKG from Sri Lanka, IOTA AS - 003, until 30 March 2024.

4W8X - Timor Leste

4W8X is running full on 160m. TX antenna is titanex with 50 radials very close to sea which sems to performing very well

Friday, November 10, 2023

7O2WX - Socotra Island

Vladimir, OK2WX will be active as 7O2WX from Socotra Island, IOTA AF - 028, Yemen, 25 January - 12 February 2024.

7O73T - Socotra Island

Dima, RA9USU will be active as 7O73T from Socotra Island, IOTA AF - 028, Yemen until 28 November 2023.

T32TT - Kiritimati

Activity from T32TT will take place starting from the first week of December 2023 for 3 or more weeks.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

DXCC Approved - News - Information

Upcoming T32TT DX Pedition to Kiritimati Island accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate in progress.

7O8AD - 7O8AE - Yemen

All ok here. The plan is to QRV at 160/80 and 20m from 19:00 UTC and operate until sunrise, propagation dependent.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

7O8AD - 7O8AE - Yemen

7O8AD 7O8AE Yemen DXpedition 2023 Update: Ken 7O8AD reports, “All is well. I now have three radios operational at the main camp.

4W8X - Timor Leste

4W8X hit the airwaves on 07-Nov-2023 11:52z with UW5ZM being the first QSO.

Monday, November 6, 2023

VK9CY - Cocos Islands

VK9CY Team will be active from Cocos Keeling Islands, IOTA OC - 003, Australia, 29 November - 7 December 2023.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

VK9XY - Christmas Island

VK9XY Team will be active from Christmas Island, IOTA OC - 002, 14 - 27 November 2023.

TX5S - Clipperton

Clipperton is now #26 most wanted in Europe and remains #37 most wanted globally.

7O8AD - 7O8AE - Yemen

Yemen DXpedition 2023 Update: Ken 7O8AD reports, “We have around 8000 QSO’s as of Sunday lunchtime.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

PR0T - Trindade and Martim Vaz

PR0T Team will be active from Trindade and Martim Vaz Archipelago, IOTA SA - 010, Brazil, 16 - 19 November 2023.